Sunday, October 19, 2014

Power of Attorney sample


TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, I [….], the proprietor of M.A AUDITS & Academy (hereinafter referred as “Firm”) having PAN [], having place of business at […].


I, wish to appoint a fit and proper persons to look after my affairs in my absence.

AND WHEREAS Mr. [], knows all business affairs of the Firm and is capable of handling the same and I therefore desire to appoint him to act as my Attorney and to look after all affairs of the Firm.

AND WHEREAS Mr. [] has consented to act as my Attorney (hereinafter referred to as the Attorney).

NOW KNOW AND THESE PRESENTS WITNESS that I, the above Proprietor of the Firm, do hereby appoint, nominate and constitute, to be my true and lawful Attorney, and to do and execute all or any of the following acts, deeds, things, that is to say:

1.    From time to time purchase, take on lease or mortgage or otherwise acquire and hold properties movable as may be thought necessary or expedient on Firm behalf.

2.    To pay necessary cost, taxes, outgoing charges, expenses and dues in respect of
the property so purchased or otherwise acquired.

3.    To operate the existing bank accounts and to sign and/or endorse to any cheques or other negotiable instruments, drafts, fixed or call or time deposit-receipts.

4.    To invest any of my moneys in or upon any of the Government Securities, Unit
Trust Schemes, Bonds, Promissory notes, shares, debentures, Postal schemes,
Mutual Fund schemes, Rural Development Bonds and Bank Deposits, RBI schemes, Corporate bodies, Limited companies, firms and institutions or any scheme which may be introduced in future by any of the authorities, in my name singly or jointly with others and from time to time to vary the said investments, to deposit in banks or in any public or corporate bodies and withdraw them, renew them for such periods as deemed fit by my Attorney and to draw and to collect, interest and other amounts as and when they become due.

5.     To Encash any or all my investments made by me in my name for that to sign all applications, forms, undertakings, or any type of writing as may be required by the concerned authority for renewing them or for encashment of them and also to issue valid receipt.
6.     To make and file returns under the Income-tax Act, 1961, Wealth-tax Act, 1957, and / or under any other act in which filing of returns may be required, on my behalf and to represent me before any of the concerned authorities including appellate bodies in such proceedings, and appeals and revisions in such proceedings.

7.    To examine, adjust, negotiate and settle all accounts and reckoning to compound for any debt due or owing by me.

8.    To pay insurance premium on my life policies or on my properties and have
Correspondence with the concerned authority on all attendant matters and to
Sign all forms, claims, settlements, loan assignment, all what so ever formalities

9.    To commence, institute, file, carry on, continue prosecute defend, answer or oppose all actions, suits, writ petitions or other legal proceedings and demand
and to appear in any court of Justice in any actions or other proceedings which
may be instituted by and/or against me and in the said actions or proceedings to prosecute or discontinue or to become nominated therein or suffer judgment to go against me as the attorney shall be advised and think proper.

10. To appoint any advocate, solicitor, chartered accountants, pleader or any other
legal or income tax practitioners.

11. To manage all my properties, movable and immovable, now owned and possessed by me or which I may possess in future, to do all such lawful acts as the said Attorneys may consider necessary and expedient for my advantage as the case may be and for the benefit of my estate and in particular to improve them, to lease /let them, to collect all rents and profits and to take all lawful proceedings and means by suits or any other actions for recovery of and receiving the rents and otherwise for managing these properties of mine.

12. To sell, convert, collect, get in or manage or collect otherwise administer any property movable or immovable which may be vested in me alone or jointly with
any other person and to execute and sign any deeds and generally to do any acts which I could lawfully have executed signed and done in any such capacity.

13. To accept notices or services or writ of Summons or other legal process that may be served upon me and to appear and represent me in any Court of Justice and before Magistrate or Judicial or Quasi-judicial or other officers whatsoever as the said Attorney shall think proper.

14. To sign, verify, execute, declare and affirm, all plaints, written statements, counter claims, petitions, appeals, reviews, applications, affidavits, and papers of every description that may be necessary for the purpose of any suit, actions,
appeals and proceedings of any kind whatsoever in any Court of Law or Equity,
Whether of Original, Appellate, Testamentary or Revisional Jurisdiction established by lawful authority or before the income Tax, Wealth Tax, Company
Lay Board Authorities or Tribunals.
15.  To appear and act in all Courts, Civil, Revenue or Criminal whether on the original or appellate side or in the registration offices and to represent my interest before any judge, Magistrate, Municipal Corporation, Police, Revenue, Taxation, Port Trust or Customs authorities or any other quasi Government or Public bodies or authorities and to appear before Income-tax, Wealth-tax, Company Law or other authorities, in connection with my affairs on my behalf in any suits, actions, appeals or proceedings and to defend, answer or oppose or suffer judgments or decrees to be had, given, taken.

16. Attorney shall be advised or think proper, To apply and obtain various permissions under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1973 and or any other Central or State Act and to complete all those formalities which may be required for obtaining such permissions and to enter into, make, sign and execute and deliver and acknowledge and perform any contract or contract/s, undertaking any other writings required by Reserve Bank of India under Foreign Exchange Regulations Act.

17. To sell or purchase all or any of the shares and/or securities held by me solely or jointly with others and for that purpose to employ and to pay brokers and other agents in that behalf and to receive and to give receipts for the purchase money payable in respect of such sales and to transfer any of the said shares so sold to the purchaser or purchasers thereof or as he may direct and for these purchases to sign and execute all such contracts, transfer deeds, transfer forms and other writings and do all such acts as may be necessary for effectually transferring the same.

18.  To sign, seal, execute and deliver, transfer forms, and/or deeds of shares,
dividend warrants, interest warrants, receipts etc

19. To receive all cables, telegrams, registered and unregistered letters and parcels,
packages, goods, money orders and other communications and things whatsoever from the Posts and Telegraphs Office or Officer’s or from any other source and to sign and pass receipts for the same and from all carriers by land, sea and air.

20. To invest any of my moneys or assets at interest or otherwise in the mortgage of
any hold, leasehold or properties of any other tenure or hypothecation or pledge
of movable properties as the Attorney may in his absolute discretion think fit and proper.

21. To execute, to become party to and if necessary to cause to be registered all instruments, deeds, agreements, contracts, receipts and other documents for me and on my behalf.

22. To insure all my properties for such purposes and sign all applications and in
such manner as the Attorney may think proper.

23. For all or any of the purposes aforesaid to execute all such guarantees, indemnities, covenants and obligations on my behalf as the Attorney may think
necessary and proper.

24.  For the purpose of managing my affairs to enter into such arbitration references and to appoint such arbitrators as the Attorney may deem fit and proper.

25.  For the smooth running of all the "business entities" first mentioned above or any other businesses where I may be introduced as a director or partner in the future by virtue of this power or attorney or otherwise:
 a. To sign and execute any contracts, assignments, sale, transfer and other instruments whatsoever relating to any of the movable or immovable property or claim or rights or obligation relating to the said business entities or any part thereof.
b. To make sign and applications, to enter into contracts, to open new bank accounts, to borrow or repay any moneys, vote at meetings and in generally to do all such acts and deeds as may be necessary for the smooth running of the business entities
c. To execute any sale, assignment relating to any movable or immovable properties or rights, claims, obligations and liabilities with any government or Semi-government banking institution such as:

i.  Company Law Board, Income Tax Dept, Sales tax Dept., and/or other  
    Central & State Govt. offices.
          ii.  Municipal Corporation, Municipality, Panchayat
          iii. Scheduled or non-scheduled bank.
          iv. Dept. of Industries.
          v.  Dept. of Labour Welfare and Factory Act.
          d.  To make payment, settle or discharge, the liabilities or debts payable and to   
 settle, allow, forgo, discharge put to arbitration all accounts, claim and   Disputes.
e. To bring or defend any action or other proceedings in respect of or affecting
    the properties, rights, claims or obligations or any part thereof relating to the     
    business entities and to enforce appointment of receiver and to complete the   
    transaction by proper execution of deeds and registrations thereof.

 26.  To cause these presents to be registered in the books of any Company,     Corporation or Nationalized bank. RBI whatsoever or in any public or       Government    Office or in any Court or elsewhere as occasion may require. AND GENERALLY to do and execute all such deeds, instruments acts and things inrelation to the properties movable and immovable, directorships in companies  or partnership interests in firms now or hereinafter belonging to me wherein I shall have any interest and in my capacity and in all matters relating to my affairs as fully and effectively in all aspects as I myself could have done if personally  present as the said Attorney shall deem fit and proper.

I HEREBY AGREE that all acts, deeds and thing done by the said Attorney shall be construed as acts, deeds and things done by me. I hereby undertake to ratify and confirm all and whatever each of the said Attorney shall do by virtue of the powers hereby given. I FURTHER CONFIRM that the powers granted by me to the said Attorney are irrevocable and shall not be revoked by me and any person relying upon this Power of Attorney shall be protected by the representation made herein and the authorities given by me to the said attorney and I shall not challenge or call in question any act done by the said Attorney for me and on behalf of me and the same shall be binding upon me.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, Mr/Mrs. ________________________________, hereunto set
and subscribe my hand and signature at Hyderabad, this ______ day of ___________ 2014.

1. (Witness)
2. (Witness)

Specimen Signature
( Mr/Mrs. _______________________)              
(Mr./Mrs. ___________________________)

Specimen Signature
( Mr/Mrs. _______________________)


Specimen Signature of Attorney
( Mr/Mrs. ______________________)

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