Thursday, October 9, 2014


Application for Certificate of Enrolment/Revision of Certificate of Enrolment
under the Andhra Pradesh Tax on Professions, Trades, Callings and
Employments Act, 1987
(See Rules 4(1) and 6(2))
The Professional Tax Officer,

I hereby apply for a certificate of enrolment / revision of certificate of enrolment under the above mentioned Act as per particulars given below:

 1.  Name of the applicant 

 2. Full Postal Address        

3. Date of birth and Age    

 4. Profession, Trade or Calling

5.  Period of standing in profession in years and months
6.  Numbers of other places of works       (Please give the address of
     the places)

 7.  Annual turnover of all sales / purchases  

 *8.  Number of workers engaged in the factory          

*9.  Number of employees in the establishment          

 *10. If Co-operative Society whether State Level ,District Level or  
         Mandal Level
*11.  Number of Vehicles for which permit under   M.V. Act is held;                                                                                                 
                                                                                                  3 Wheelers
                                                                                        Trucks and Buses
*12.  Enrolment No. of previous certificate, if any         
*13   If registered under APGST Act 1957/   
         CST Act, 1956 the No. of registration Certificates held    
                     APGST Act, 1957  
                      CST Act, 1956                                       
 *14. Grounds on which revision is sought    
       (attach additional sheets if necessary)

The above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
 Dated :                                                                                                                                  Signature with status.
*Please fill up whichever is applicable.
For office Use Only
Enrolment  No.                                                     :
Date of Enrolment                                               :                                                               Signature of Issuing Officer
(Particulars of name and address to be filled by applicant)
Received an application for enrolment in Form  From
 Name     :                                                                               Application No:                                   
 Address:                                                                                Dated:
Signature of Receiving Officer.

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