Friday, October 24, 2014

Profits and Gains from Business and Profession

In our series of Articles on Tax Treatment of Income from Different Sources we earlier explained Provisions of Income From Salary and Income from House Property, which can be accessed at the following links :-

Tax Treatment of Income from Salary in Brief

All about Income from House Properties

In this Article we have discussed briefly Different Provisions Applicable to Income from Business and Profession at one place. In coming articles we will also discuss Income Tax provisions related to Capital Gain & Income from Other Sources.
Profits and Gains from Business and Profession
1 Chargeability:
The following incomes are chargeable to tax under the head Profit and Gains from Business or Profession:
S. No.
Profit and gains from any business or profession carried on by the assessee at any time during the previous year
Any compensation or other payment due to or received by any specified person
Income derived by a trade, professional or similar association from specific services performed for its members
Profit on sale of a license granted under the Imports (Control) Order 1955, made under the Import Export Control Act, 1947
Cash assistance (by whatever name called) received or receivable by any person against exports under any scheme of Government of India
Any duty of Customs or Excise repaid or repayable as drawback to any person against exports under the Customs and Central Excise Duties Drawback Rules, 1971.
Profit on transfer of Duty Entitlement Pass Book Scheme, under Section 5 of Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992
Profit on transfer of Duty Free Replenishment Certificate, under Section 5 of Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act 1992
Value of any benefits or perquisites arising from a business or the exercise of a profession.
Interest, salary, bonus, commission or remuneration due to or received by a partner from partnership firm
Any sum received for not carrying out any activity in relation to any business or not to share any know-how, patent, copyright, trademark, etc.
Any sum received under a Key man Insurance policy including the sum of bonus on such policy
Any sum received ( or receivable) in cash or in kind, on account of any capital assets (other than land or goodwill or financial instrument) being demolished, destroyed, discarded or transferred, if the whole of the expenditure on such capital assets has been allowed as a deductionunder section 35AD
Income from speculative transactions. However, it shall be deemed to be distinct and separate from any other business.
• Remission or cessation of liability in respect of any loss, expenditure or trading liability incurred by the taxpayers
• Recovery of trading liability by successor which was allowed to the predecessor shall be chargeable to tax in the hands of successor. Succession could be due to amalgamation or demerger or succession of a firm succeeded by another firm or company, etc.
• Any liability which is unilaterally written off by the taxpayer from the books of accounts shall be deemed as remission or cessation of such liability and shall be chargeable to tax.
Depreciable asset in case of power generating units, is sold, discarded, demolished or destroyed, the amount by which sale consideration and/ or insurance compensation together with scrap value exceeds its WDV shall be chargeable to tax.
Where any capital asset used in scientific research is sold without having been used for other purposes and the sale proceeds together with the amount of deduction allowed under section 35 exceed the amount of the capital expenditure, such surplus or the amount of deduction allowed, whichever is less, is chargeable to tax as business income in the year in which the sale took place.
Where bad debts have been allowed as deduction under Section 36(1)(vii)in earlier years, any recovery of same shall be chargeable to tax.
Amount withdrawn from special reserves created and maintained underSection 36(1)(viii) shall be chargeable as income in the previous year in which the amount is withdrawn.
Loss of a discontinued business or profession could be adjusted from the deemed business income as referred to in section 41(1), 41(3), (4) or (4A) without any time limit.
Where consideration for transfer of land or building or both as stock-in-trade is less than the stamp duty value, the value so adopted shall be deemed to be the full value of consideration for the purpose of computing income under this head.
As per RBI Guidelines, Interest on bad and doubtful debts of Public Financial Institution or Scheduled Bank or State Financial Corporation or State Industrial Investment Corporation, shall be chargeable to tax in the year in which it is credited to Profit and Loss A/c or year in which it is actually received, whichever happens earlier.
Similarly as per NHB Guidelines, Interest on bad and doubtful debts of housing finance company, shall be chargeable to tax, in the year it is credited to P & L A/c or year in which it is actually received by them, whichever is earlier.
2 Deductions under Sections 30 to 37
Amount deductible, while computing, Profits and Gains of Business or Profession are:-
Nature of expenditure
Quantum of deduction
Rent, rates, taxes, repairs (excluding capital expenditure) and insurance for premises
Actual expenditure incurred excluding capital expenditure
All assessee
Repairs (excluding capital expenditure) and insurance of machinery, plant and furniture
Actual expenditure incurred excluding capital expenditure
All assessee
Depreciation on buildings, machinery, plant or furniture, know-how, patents, copyrights, trademarks, licenses, franchises, or any other business or commercial rights of similar nature, being intangible assets (Subject to certain conditions)
Allowed at prescribed percentage on WDV method for each block of assets
All assessee
Deduction under section 32ACis available if actual cost of new plant and machinery acquired and installed by a manufacturing company during the previous year exceeds Rs. 25/100 Crores, as the case may be.(Subject to certain conditions)
15% of actual cost of new asset acquired and installed (if it exceeds Rs. 25 Crores/100 Crores, as the case may be)
Company engaged in business or manufacturing or production of any article or thing
Amount deposited in Tea/Coffee/Rubber Development Account by assessee engaged in business of growing and manufacturing tea/Coffee/Rubber in India
Deduction shall be lower of following:
a) Amount deposited inaccount with National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD) or inDeposit Account of Tea Board, Coffee Board or Rubber Board in accordance with approved scheme; or
b) 40% of profits from such business before making any deduction under section 33AB and before adjusting any brought forward loss.
(Subject to certain conditions)
All assessee engaged in business of growing and manufacturing tea/Coffee/Rubber
Amount deposited in Special Account with SBI/Site Restoration Account by assessee carrying on business of prospecting for, or extraction or production of, petroleum or natural gas or both in India
Deduction shall be lower of following:
a) Amount deposited in Special Account with SBI/Site Restoration Account; or
b) 20% of profits from such business before making any deduction under section 33ABA and before adjusting any brought forward loss.
(Subject to certain conditions)
All assessee engaged in business of prospecting for, or extraction or production of, petroleum or natural gas or both in India
Revenue expenditure on scientific research pertaining to business of assessee is allowed as deduction (Subject to certain conditions).
Entire amount incurred on scientific research is allowed as deduction.
Expenditure on scientific research within 3 years before commencement of business (in the nature of purchase of materials and salary of employees other than perquisite) is allowed as deduction in the year of commencement of business to the extent certified by prescribed authority.
All assessee
Contribution to approved research association, university, college or other institution to be used for scientific research shall be allowed as deduction (Subject to certain conditions)
175% of sum paid to such association, university, college, or other institution is allowed as deduction.
All assessee
Contribution to an approved company registered in India to be used for the purpose of scientific research is allowed as deduction (Subject to certain conditions)
125% of sum paid to the company is allowed as deduction
All assessee
Contribution to approved research association, university, college or other institution with objects of undertaking statistical research or research in social sciences shall be allowed as deduction (Subject to certain conditions)
125% of sum paid to such association, university, college, or other institution is allowed as deduction
All assessee
35(1)(iv)read with35(2)
Capital expenditure incurred during the year on scientific research relating to the business carried on by the assessee is allowed as deduction (Subject to certain conditions)
Entire capital expenditure incurred on scientific research is allowed as deduction.
Capital expenditure incurred within 3 years before commencement of business is allowed as deduction in the year of commencement of business.
i. Capital expenditure excludes land and any interest in land;
ii. No depreciation shall be allowed on such assets.
All assessee
Payment to a National Laboratory or University or an Indian Institute of Technology or a specified person is allowed as deduction.
The payment should be made with the specified direction that the sum shall be used in a scientific research undertaken under an approved programme.
200% of payment is allowed as deduction (Subject to certain conditions).
All assessee
Any expenditure incurred by a company on scientific research (including capital expenditure other than on land and building) on in-house scientific research and development facilities as approved by the prescribed authorities shall be allowed as deduction (Subject to certain conditions).
Expenditure on scientific research in relation to Drug and Pharmaceuticals shall include expenses incurred on clinical trials, obtaining approvals from authorities and for filing an application for patent.
200% of expenditure so incurred shall be as deduction.
i. Company should enter into an agreement with the prescribed authority for co-operation in such research and development and audit of accounts maintained for such facilities;
ii. Deduction under this provision would be allowed only up to 31-3-2017.
Company engaged in business of bio-technology or in any business of manufacturing or production of eligible articles or things
Capital expenditure incurred for acquiring any license or right to operate telecommunication services shall be allowed as deduction over the term of the license.
Deduction would be allowed in equal installments starting from the year in which such payment has been made and ending in the year in which license comes to an end.
All Assessee engaged in telecommunication services
Expenditure by way of payment of any sum to a public sector company/local authority/approved association or institution for carrying out any eligible scheme or project (Subject to certain conditions).
Actual payment made to prescribed entities. However, a company can also claim deduction for expenditure incurred by it directly on eligible projects.
All assessee. However, deduction for direct expenditure is allowed only to a company
Deduction in respect of expenditure on specified businesses, as under:
a) Setting up and operating a cold chain facility
b) Setting up and operating a warehousing facility for storage of agricultural produce
c) Building and operating, anywhere in India, a hospital with at least 100 beds for patients
d) Developing and building a housing project under a notified scheme for affordable housing
e) Production of fertilizer in India
(Subject to certain conditions)
150% of capital expenditure incurred for the purpose of business is allowed as deduction provided the specified business has commenced its operation on or after 01-04-2012.
Note: If such specified businesses commence operations on or before 31-03-2012 but after prescribed dates, deduction shall be limited to 100% of capital expenditure.
All assessee
Deduction in respect of expenditure on specified businesses, as under:
a) Laying and operating a cross-country natural gas or crude or petroleum oil pipeline network for distribution, including storage facilities being an integral part of such network;
b) Building and operating, anywhere in India, a hotel of two-star or above category;
c) Developing and building a housing project under a scheme for slum redevelopment or rehabilitation
d) Setting up and operating an inland container depot or a container freight station
e) Bee-keeping and production of honey and beeswax
f) Setting up and operating a warehousing facility for storage of sugar
g) Laying and operating a slurry pipeline for the transportation of iron ore
h) Setting up and operating a semi-conductor wafer fabrication manufacturing unit
(Subject to certain conditions)
100% of capital expenditure incurred for the purpose of business is allowed as deduction provided specified businesses commence operations on or after the prescribed dates.
All assessee (Indian company in case of specified business of laying and operating a cross-country natural gas or crude or petroleum oil pipeline network)
Payment to following Funds are allowed as deduction:
a) National Fund for Rural Development; and
b) Notified National Urban Poverty Eradication Fund
Actual payment to specified funds
All assessee
Expenditure (not being cost of land/building) incurred on notified agricultural extension project for the purpose of training, educating and guiding the farmers shall be allowed as deduction, provided the expenditure to be incurred is expected to be more than Rs. 25 lakhs (Subject to certain conditions).
150% of the expenditure (Subject to certain conditions)
All assessee
Expenditure incurred by a company (not being expenditure in the nature of cost of any land or building) on any notified skill development project is allowed as deduction (Subject to certain conditions).
150% of the expenditure (Subject to certain conditions)
Note: No deduction shall be allowed to a company engaged in manufacturing alcoholic spirits or tobacco products.
Company engaged in manufacturing of any article or providing specified services
An Indian company can amortize certain preliminary expenses (up to maximum of 5% of cost of the project or capital employed, whichever is more) (Subject to certain conditions and nature of expenditures)
Qualifying preliminary expenditure is allowable in each of 5 successive years beginning with the previous year in which the extension of undertaking is completed or the new unit commences production or operation.
Indian Company
Non-corporate taxpayers can amortize certain preliminary expenses (up to maximum of 5% of cost of the project) (Subject to certain conditions and nature of expenditures)
Qualifying preliminary expenditure is allowable in each of 5 successive years beginning with the previous year in which the extension of undertaking is completed or the new unit commences production or operation.
Resident Non-corporate assessees
Expenditure incurred after 31-3-1999 in respect of amalgamation or demerger can be amortized by an Indian Company
Expenditure is allowed as deduction in five equal installments in 5 previous years starting with the year in which amalgamation or demerger took place.
Indian Company
Expenditure incurred under Voluntary Retirement Scheme is allowed as deduction.
Each payment under VRS is allowed as deduction in five equal installments in 5 previous years.
All Assessee
Qualifying expenditure incurred by resident persons on prospecting for the minerals or on the development of mine or other natural deposit of such minerals shall be allowed as deduction (Subject to certain conditions).
Eligible expenditure is allowed as deduction in ten equal installments in 10 previous years.
Resident persons
Insurance premium covering risk of damage or destruction of stocks/stores
Actual expenditure incurred
All Assessee
Insurance premium covering life of cattle owned by a member of co-operative society engaged in supplying milk to federal milk co-operative society
Actual expenditure incurred
All Assessee
Medical insurance premium paid by any mode other than cash, to insure employee’s health under (a) scheme framed by GIC of India and approved by Central Government; or (b) scheme framed by any other insurer and approved by IRDA
Actual expenditure incurred
All Assessee
Bonus or commission paid to employees which would not have been payable as profit or dividend if it had not been paid as bonus or commission
Actual expenditure incurred
All Assessee
Interest on borrowed capital (Subject to certain conditions)
Actual interest incurred, except interest to be capitalized with actual cost of capital asset, shall be allowed as deduction
All Assessee
Discount on Zero Coupon Bonds (Subject to certain conditions)
Pro-rata amount of discount on zero coupon bonds shall be allowed as deduction over the life of such bond
Specified Assessee
Employer’s contributions to recognized provident fund and approved superannuation fund [subject to certain limits and conditions]
Actual expenditure incurred
All Assessee
Any sum paid by assessee-employer by way of contribution towards a pension scheme, as referred to in section 80CCD, on account of an employee.
Actual expenditure not exceeding 10% of the salary* of the employee
*Salary = Basic Pay + Dearness Allowance (to the extent it forms part of retirement benefits)+ turnover based commission
All Assessee – Employer
Employer’s contribution towards approved gratuity fund created exclusively for the benefit of employees under an irrevocable trust shall be allowed as deduction (Subject to certain conditions).
Actual expenditure not exceeding 8.33% of salary of each employee
All Assessee – Employer
Deposit of employee’s contributions in their respective provident fund or superannuation fund or any fund set up under Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948
Actual amount received if credited to the employee’s account in relevant fund on or before due date specified under relevant Act
All Assessee – Employer
Allowance in respect of animals which have died or become permanently useless (Subject to certain conditions)
Actual cost of acquisition of such animals less realization on sale of carcasses of animals
All Assessee
Bad debts which have been written off as irrecoverable (Subject to certain conditions)
Actual bad debts which have been written off from books of accounts
All Assessee
Deductions for provision for bad and doubtful debts created by certain banks and financial institutions (Subject to certain conditions).
Deduction in respect of bad debts actually written off undersection 36(1)(vii) shall be limited to that amount of bad debts which exceed the provision for bad and doubtful debts created under section 36(1)(viia).
Deductions for provision for bad and doubtful debts shall be limited to following:
a) In case of scheduled and non-scheduled banks: Sum not exceeding aggregate of 7.5% of total income (before any deductions under this provision and Chapter VI-A) and 10% of aggregate average advances made by rural branches of such bank;
b) In case of Financial Institutions: Up to 5% of total income before any deductions under this provisions and Chapter VI-A; and
c) In case of foreign banks: Up to 5% of total income before any deductions under this provisions and Chapter VI-A
Banks, Public Financial Institutions, State Financial Corporation, State Industrial Investment Corporations
Deduction under this provisions is allowed to following entities in respect of amount transferred to special reserve account:
a) Financial Corporation which is engaged in providing long-term finance for industrial or agricultural development or development of infrastructure facility in India; or
b) Public company registered in India with the main object of carrying on the business of providing long-term finance for construction or purchase of residential houses in India.
[Subject to certain conditions]
Deduction shall be allowed to the extent of lower of following:
a) Amounts transferred to special reserve account
b) 20% of profits derived from eligible business
c) 200% of paid-up capital and general reserve (on last day of previous year) minusbalance in special reserve account (on first day of previous year)
Specified financial corporations or public company
Expenditure incurred by a company on promotion of family planning amongst employees is allowed as deduction
1) Entire revenue expenditure is allowed as deduction
2) Capital expenditure shall be allowed as deduction in five equal installment in five years
Any expenditure incurred by a notified corporation or body corporate constituted or established by a Central, State or Provincial Act, for the objects and purposes authorized by the respective Act is allowed as deduction
Actual expenditure incurred (not being in the nature of capital expenditure)
Notified corporations
Contribution to Credit Guarantee Trust Fund for micro and small industries is allowed as deduction
Actual expenditure incurred
Public Financial Institutions
Securities Transaction Tax paid
Actual expenditure incurred if corresponding income is included as income under the head profits and gains of business or profession
All Assessee
Amount equal to commodities transaction tax paid by an assessee in respect of taxable commodities transactions entered into in the course of his business during the previous year is allowed as deduction
Actual expenditure incurred if corresponding income is included as income under the head profits and gains of business or profession
All Assessee
Any other expenditure [not being personal or capital expenditure and expenditure mentioned in sections 30 to 36] laid out wholly and exclusively for purposes of business or profession
Actual expenditure incurred
All Assessee
Expenditure on advertisement in any souvenir, brochure etc. published by a political party shall not be allowed as deduction
Not Allowed
All Assessee
3. Amount expressly disallowed under the Act
Any sum (other than salary) payable outside India or to a non-resident, which is chargeable to tax in India in the hands of the recipient, shall not be allowed to be deducted if it was paid without deduction of tax at source or if tax was deducted but not deposited with the Central Government till the due date of filing of return.
However, if tax is deducted or deposited in subsequent year, as the case may be, the expenditure shall be allowed as deduction in that year.
Any sum payable to a resident, which is subject to deduction of tax at source, would attract 30% disallowance if it was paid without deduction of tax at source or if tax was deducted but not deposited with the Central Government till the due date of filing of return.
However, where in respect of any such sum, tax is deducted or deposited in subsequent year, as the case may be, the expenditure so disallowed shall be allowed as deduction in that year.
Any sum paid on account of any rate or tax levied on the profits and gains of business or profession is not deductible
Wealth-tax or any other tax of similar nature shall not be deductible
Amount paid by way of royalty, license fee, service fee, privilege fee, service charge or any other fee or charge, by whatever name called, which is levied exclusively on (or any amount appropriated) a State Government undertaking by the State Government shall not be deductible.
Salaries payable outside India, or in India to a non-resident, on which tax has not been paid/deducted at source is not deductible.
Payments to provident fund or other funds for employees’ benefit shall not be deductible if no effective arrangements have been made to ensure deduction of at source from payments made from such funds to employees which shall be chargeable to tax as ‘salaries’.
Tax paid by the employer on non-monetary perquisites provided to employees is not deductible if the tax so paid is not taxable in the hands of employees by virtue of Section 10(10CC).
Following sum paid by a partnership firm to its partners shall not be allowed to be deducted:
1) Salary, bonus, commission or remuneration paid to non-working partners;
2) Remuneration or interest paid to the partners is not in accordance with the terms of the partnership deed;
3) Remuneration or interest to partners is in accordance with the terms of the partnership deed but relates to any period prior to the date of the deed;
4) Interest to partners is in accordance with the terms of the partnership deed but exceeds 12% per annum;
5) Remuneration to partners is in accordance with the terms of the partnership deed but exceeds the following permissible limit:
a) On first Rs. 3 Lakhs of book profit or in case of loss – Rs. 1,50,000 or 90% of book profit, whichever is more;
b) On the balance of the book profit – 60% of book profit
Interest, salary, bonus, commission or remuneration paid by Association of Persons or Body of Individuals to its members shall not be allowed as deduction (Subject to certain conditions).
Any payment to related parties (relatives, directors, partner, member of HUF/AOP, person who has substantial interest in business of the taxpayer, etc.) in respect of any expenditure shall be disallowed to the extent such expenditure is considered excessive or unreasonable by the Assessing Officer having regard to its fair market value.
An expenditure, which is otherwise deductible under any provision of the Act, shall be disallowed if payment thereof has been made otherwise than by account payee cheque/bank draft and it exceeds Rs. 20,000 (Rs. 35,000 in case of payment made for plying, hiring or leasing goods carriages) in a day (Subject to certain conditions and exceptions).
Provision for payment of gratuity to employees, other than a provision for contribution to approved gratuity fund, shall not be allowed as deduction (Subject to specified conditions).
Gratuity actually paid (or payable) during the year and contribution to approved gratuity fund is allowed as deduction.
Any sum paid as an employer for setting up or as contribution to any fund, trust, company, AOP, BOI, Society or other institution (other than recognized provident fund, approved superannuation fund, approved gratuity fund or pension scheme referred to in section 80CCD) shall not be allowed as deduction deduction if such contribution or payment is not required by any law.
4.  Expenses deductible on actual payment basis
The following expenses shall be allowed as deduction if such expenditure are actually paid on or before the due date of filing of return of income:-
43B(a)Any Tax, Duty, Cess or Fees under any Law
43B(b)Any contribution to Provident Fund/Superannuation Fund/Gratuity Fund/Welfare Fund
43B(c)Bonus or Commission paid to employees which would not have been payable as profit or dividend
43B(d)Interest on Loan or Borrowings from Public Financial Institutions/State Financial Institutions etc.
43B(e)Interest on loan or advance from bank
43B(f)Payment of Leave Encashment
5.  Other provisions
Special allowance in case of business of prospecting etc. for mineral oil (including petroleum and natural gas) in relation to which the Central Government has entered into an agreement with the taxpayer for the association or participation (Subject to certain conditions).
Following deductions shall be allowed as deductions:
a) Any infructuous exploration expenditure
b) Expenditure on drilling or exploration activities or services, etc.
c) Allowance in relation to depletion of mineral oil, etc.
Special provisions consequential to changes in rate of exchange of Currency (Subject to certain conditions).
Any increase or decrease in the liability incurred in foreign currency (to acquire a capital asset) pursuant to fluctuation in the foreign exchange rates shall be adjusted with the actual cost of such asset only on actual payment of the liability.
Acquisition of any asset (except stock-in-trade) by the taxpayer in the scheme of amalgamation or by way of gift, will etc.
Cost of acquisition of any asset (except stock-in-trade) acquired by the taxpayer in the scheme of amalgamation or by way of gift, will etc. from the transferor (who sold it as stock-in-trade) shall be the cost of acquisition in the hands of transferor as increased by cost of any improvement made
6. Provisions applicable to Non-Resident/Foreign Company
Limit of exemption or Computation of income/deduction
Available to
44Bread with 172
Income from shipping business shall be computed on presumptive basis (Subject to certain conditions).
7.5% of specified sum shall be deemed to be the presumptive income
Non-resident engaged in shipping business
Income of a non-resident engaged in the business of providing services or facilities in connection with, or supplying plant and machinery on hire used, or to be used, in the prospecting for, or extraction or production of, mineral oils shall be computed on presumptive basis (Subject to certain conditions).
10% of specified sum shall be deemed to be the presumptive income
Non-resident engaged in activities connected with exploration of mineral oils
Income of a non-resident engaged in the business of operation of aircraft shall be computed on presumptive basis (Subject to certain conditions).
5% of specified sum shall be deemed to be the presumptive income
Non-resident engaged in the business of operating of aircraft
Income of a foreign company engaged in the business of civil construction or the business of erection of plant or machinery or testing or commissioning thereof, in connection with turnkey power projects shall be computed on presumptive basis (Subject to certain conditions).
10% of specified sum shall be deemed to be the presumptive income
Foreign Company
Deduction for Head office Expenditure (Subject to certain conditions and limits)
Deduction for head-office expenditure shall be limited to lower of following:
a) 5% of adjusted total income*
b) Head office exp. as attributable to business or profession of taxpayer in India
* In case adjusted total income of the assessee is a loss, adjusted total income shall be substituted by average adjusted total income
** Adjusted total income or average adjusted total income shall be computed after prescribed adjustments i.e. unabsorbed depreciations, carry forward losses, etc.
Deduction of expenditure from royalty and FTS received under an agreement made after 31-03-2003 which is effectively connected to the PE of non-resident in India (Subject to certain conditions)
Expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively for the business of PE or fixed place of profession in India shall be allowed as deduction.
7.  Accounts and Audit
Compulsory maintenance of prescribed books of account – Specified Profession
(Subject to certain conditions and circumstances)
Persons carrying on specified profession and their gross receipts exceed Rs. 1,50,000 in all the three years immediately preceding the previous year
Compulsory maintenance of books of account – Other business or profession
(Subject to certain conditions and circumstances)
1) If total sales, turnover or gross receipts exceeds Rs. 10,00,000 in any one of the three years immediately preceding the previous year; or
2) If income from business or profession exceeds Rs. 1,20,000 in any one of the three years immediately preceding the previous year
Compulsory Audit of books of accounts (Subject to certain conditions and circumstances)
1) If total sales, turnover or gross receipts exceeds Rs. 1 Crore in any previous year, in case of business; or
2) If gross receipts exceeds Rs. 25 Lakhs in any previous year, in case of profession.
8. Presumptive Taxation
Nature of business
Presumptive income
Income from eligible business can be computed on presumptive basis underSection 44AD (Subject to certain conditions).
Presumptive income of eligible business shall be 8 % of gross receipt or total turnover (if turnover of eligible business does not exceed Rs. 1 crore).
Presumptive income of business of plying, hiring or leasing of goods carriage if taxpayer does not own more than 10 goods carriage (Subject to certain conditions)
Rs. 7,500 for every month during which the goods carriage is owned by the taxpayer

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