Saturday, March 7, 2015

Financial Assets Examples

Before learning the examples of financial assets, you should know the meaning of financial assets. Financial asset is not physical asset. It is the part of intangible assets. These assets comes into contractual claims. Following are its Main Example.

1. Contracted Value of Used Copyrighted Material

For example, A user of any youtube channel has used B person's copyrighted material. B person has complained YouTube. As per youtube policy, you can not upload copyrighted material in this website. So, you as A user has to do contract with B. You can send email and ask for retract his claim. For this, you may agree to pay him $ 30. If you have paid him $ 30 through your Paypal account and B retract his claim. Your youtube channel will reactive. So, this $ 30 which B have received through contract. So, this contractual value of used his copyrighted material will be the financial asset of B.

2. Value of Share in Any Demat Account 

If you have bought shares or mutual funds, you will not get any physical asset. All will be digital. So, this digital asset's value will be your financial asset.

3. Your Bank Balance

Now, your all bank balance is digital. Whether you are India or you are in Canada, you can withdraw it fastly. So, this is your financial asset.

4. Contractual Right to Receive Cash from Digital Asset

If you went to court and court has ordered for your favor. On this basis, if you have the right to get cash from any of your digital asset or software, this will be your financial asset.

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