Saturday, April 4, 2015

Accounting Test - Part 16

In this world, Everybody's education will be successful, if he or she will get the education and then give the test and clear it. I think, these are three parts of any type of education. First understand the topic, then give the test, then see which answer, you have given wrong.

Try to go to deep to find the reasons of wrong answer, with this, you can understand anything more deeply. At
accounting education, we are caring this very serious. So, from today, we are trying to teach the topic with double way. First, I will teach the topic on accounting education, then I will make some objective type questions on same topic. You have to give answer and then you will able to get correct answer. If your answers are wrong, you should read again my written topic or ask directly with me on my given phone below the website. I will try to teach you again with other new way.
On 28th march 2015, I taught you, Classification of Overheads in Cost Accounting. If you did not read it and understand it, first read and understand it at here. Now ready to answers the following questions on your blank page.
Question 1. Is overhead cost the part of prime cost of Production?

(a) Yes

(b) No

Question 2. Is advertising the part of Production Overhead Cost? 

(a) Yes

(b) No
Question 3. Is factory supervisor salary the part of production overhead cost?

(a) Yes

(b) No
Question 4.  Will variable overheads change when production will change?

(a) Yes

(b) No
Question 5. Will fixed overhead change when production will change?

(a) Yes

(b) No

You can match your given answers with correct answers

Question 1.

Answer: No

Question 2.

Answer : No

Question 3.

Answer : Yes

Question 4.

Answer : Yes

Question 5.

Answer : No

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