Sunday, January 24, 2016


1. Every Employee(Regular +  Casual +part time + temporary +contracted labour) , but no apprentice ,getting wages <= 6,500 : covered

2. Covered under the E.S.I. Act –then U are exempt from the provisions of Maternity Benefit Act and Workmen’s Compensation Act.

3. Employers contribution @ 4.75% of Wages & Employee’s contribution 1.75% of Wages

4. Due Date-21st of next month

5. Delay cases- pay Interest @ 12%

6. Get Ur establishment registered with  E.S.I. Corporation within 15 days after the Act becomes applicable to U, and obtain the employer’s Code Number.

7. Employer to obtain declaration form from employees covered under the Act and submit the same to the E.S.I. office. He should arrange for the allotment of Insurance Numbers to the employees and their Identity Cards.

8. Employer to furnish a Return of Contributions along with  challans of monthly payment, within 30 days of the end of each contribution period.
9. employer to maintain prescribed records/registers namely, the register of employees, the inspection book and the accident book.

10. employer to report to the E.S.I. authorities of any accident in the place of employment, within 24 hours or immediately in case of serious or fatal accidents. He should make arrangements for first aid and transportation of the employee to the hospital. He should also furnish to the authorities such further information and particulars of an accident as may be required.

11. employer to inform the local office and nearest E.S.I. dispensary/hospital, in case of death of any employee, immediately.

12. employer must not put to work any sick employee and allow him leave.

13. employer not to dismiss or discharge any employee during the period of sickness/maternity/temporary disablement benefit, or is under medical treatment, or is absent from work as a result of illness duly certified or due to pregnancy or confinement.

14.  pay compensation for  accident suffered by an employee

15. Maintain a notice book in the prescribed from at a place where it is readily accessible to the workman.

16. submit an annual return of accidents specifying the number of injuries for which compensation has been paid during the year, the amount of such compensation and other prescribed particulars.


In case of an accident in the establishment, the employer should prepare an ‘Accident Report’ in Form 16 (in triplicate) and submit to the local office and the Insurance Medical Officer. The third copy is the office copy. The reports are to be submitted within 48 hours in ordinary cases and immediately in death cases


Employer to make arrangements for first aid and medical treatment and transport as an insured person may require, in case of an accident.


Employer to furnish and verify the particulars in Form 28, in respect of the abstention of an employee from work, for which sickness/maternity/temporary disablement benefit has been claimed.

Thank You

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