Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Education under Negative Era

Education under Negative Era

The new service tax law levied service tax on all fields of education except which is: -
1.      Specifically covered under negative list and,
2.      Exempted by way of notification.

1.      Education Covered under Negative List
1)      Pre-school education and education up to higher secondary school or equivalent
(Pre-school education includes nursery school, day care centre, play group, reception class, etc. and Education up to higher secondary school i.e. Education up to 12th Class)
2)      Education as a part of a curriculum for obtaining a qualification recognised by any law. (Conduct of degree courses by colleges, institutions or universities which lead to grant of qualifications recognised by law would be covered)
3)      Education a part of an approved vocational education course (VEC).

Services provided by Boarding Schools
            Boarding schools provide service of education coupled with other services like providing dwelling units for residence and food. Their taxability will be determined as follows:-
1.      If the charges for education and lodging and boarding are inseparable – Such services in the case of boarding schools are bundled in the ordinary course of business. Therefore the bundled of services will be treated as consisting entirely of such service which determines the dominant nature of such bundle. In this case the dominant nature is service of education so the entire bundle would be treated as Negative List service.
2.      If the charges for education and lodging and boarding are Separable – In such kind of services following provisions may apply:
1)      Where services are provided with dwelling units for residence only – If only accommodation facility is provided in a hostel, then such services are covered under negative list.
2)      Where services are provided with dwelling units for residence and food – This may be a case of bundled services if charges for lodging and boarding are inseparable. In this case, the dominant nature is service of resident dwelling, which is covered in a separate entry of negative list, so entire bundle would be treated as a negative list service.
3)      Where only Mess/Canteen Facility is provided – A Mess or Canteen established by educational institute may claim exemption for services provided in relation to serving of food or beverages subject to condition that there is no AC facility in any part of such canteen or mess at any time during the year.

Auxiliary Education Services
            An educational institution may provide a number of services to its students, staff or other persons such as transportation services to student of staff, hostel facility, books and uniforms, placement services, library services, games and sports participation, renting of quarters to staff, renting of auditorium or halls to other, mess or canteen facility, etc. for which it may charge separately or otherwise. Entry No. 9 of Mega Exemption Notification grants exemption in this respect to some of such auxiliary education services.
            With effect from 1st April 2013, Auxiliary education services and renting services provided to an educational institution (which provides exempted education services) is exempted from service tax. And auxiliary education services and renting services provided by all educational institutions are taxable irrespective of exemption of their basic education.
            Following activities are auxiliary educational services:
Ø  Any services relating to imparting any skill, knowledge or education,
Ø  Development of course content,
Ø  Enhancement activity
Ø  Following outsourced services –
·         Admission to such institution
·         Conduct of examination
·         Catering for the students under any mid-day meals
·         Transportation of students, faculty or staff of such institution.

The Transportation facility can be tabulated:

Nature of Service
1.      Transportation services provided by an educational institution whose basic education is exempted (through own buses and Vans).
2.      Transportation services provided by and educational institution whose basic education is not exempted (through own buses and Vans).
3.      Transportation services provided by a Contractor to an educational institution whose basic education is exempted and where contractor is receiving charges from institute and institute is recovering such charges from students.
4.      Transportation services provided by a Contractor to an educational institution whose basic education is not exempted and where contractor is receiving charges from institute and institute is recovering such charges from students
5.      Transportation Services provided by a Contractor to any educational institution where contractor is recovering charges directly from students, staff or faculty.
Transportation services are taxable

Transportation services are taxable

Transportation services are exempted

Transportation services are taxable

Taxable as such services do not amount to provided to educational institution.

Admission fee, Examination Fee or Development Fee charged from students
            Where the work of conduct of examination or admission process is given on contract by such educational institute then contract fees charged by such contractors are exempt for service tax, if such services are provided to an exempt educational institute.

Renting of Immovable Property by or to Educational Institution
            Entry No. 9 of Mega Exemption Notification provides, the services of renting of immovable property provided to educational institutions are exempt only when the basic educational services provided by such institution are also exempt from service tax.
            Service of renting of immovable property provided by an educational institute is liable for service tax unless such renting is made exempted elsewhere.

Placement Services to or by Educational Institutions
            Placement services provided to or by educational institutions are not covered in any entry of negative list or Mega Exemption Notification.

Educational Services by Charitable Trusts
            Generally, educational institutions, schools, colleges and universities are registered under the provisions of Section 12AA of Income-tax Act, 1961 and claim exemption from income tax under section 11 and 12 of the Act.
            Entry No. 4 of Mega Exemption Notification exempts services provided by an entity registered under the section 12AA by way of charitable activities.
            Notification No. 25/2012 dated 20.06.2012 provides that if an educational institution providing charitable activities and registered under the Section 12AA of Income-tax Act receives any service from a provider of service, located in non-taxable territory then such services are not liable for service tax.

Construction of Government Schools, Colleges, Universities or Other Educational Institute
            Entry No. 12 of Mega Exemption Notification exempts the services provided to the Government, a local authority or a government authority by way of construction, erection, commissioning, installation, completion, fitting out, repair, maintenance, renovation or alteration of a structure for use as an educational establishment.
            However, i the above services are provided to private educational establishments the such services are liable for service tax even their basic education is covered under negative list.

Library Fees
            The fees charged by an educational institute for lending books, publications, etc. are exempt from service tax.

Training or Coaching relating to Arts, Culture or Sports
            The fees charged by an educational institute in respect of training or coaching relating to arts, culture or sports are exempt from the service tax whether or not their basic education service are exempt from service tax.
Receipts from Sale of Books, Uniforms and other Materials
            Negative list covers trading of goods, therefore, the amount charged by educational institutions towards, books, uniforms and other material which are covered in the definition of Goods. Such amounts are not subject to charge of service tax.

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