Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Secret Mantras for CA student from movie Dhoom 3

Secret Mantras for CA student from movie Dhoom 3

Dear Friends

I guess most of you have seen Dhoom3 and there are many secret Mantras in Dhoom 3 which needs to be decoded.

As you are aware all series of Dhoom movie is about master plan & it is necessary for success of any mission.

In Dhoom 3 Aamir has played double role which is known as Sahil & Samar. Sahil is disciplined, dedicated and focused to its Goal. Samar is cool, fun loving person. He believes in enjoy every moment of his life. His aim in life is to thieve all pleasure, enjoyments, excitement in life.

Likewise every CA student should be disciplined, dedicated and focused to their Goal at the same time they should not get bogged up in their personal life. CA is requires more commitment to manage Work, Studies & Personal life, one has to keep their spirit alive, should learn to live each moment & should thieve all sort of fun from each moment in their life.

While in work and studies we have to play a role of Sahil, but when we are with family and friends one should not forget to be like samar.

Even though Sahil and Samar both are distinct person, but for the entire world only Sahil is known and Samar doesn’t have any identity. Likewise when CA student is on their Articles or doing study, they should focus & be dedicated towards work or study respectively. If you fail in planning you may not achieve your target, like wise if you don’t study core & important things you will not be able to perform in work & exam. Because we derive knowledge from our studies which is necessary to excel in our work.

Monday to Saturday Samar lives as being Sahil’s for the world he represents but on Sunday he has his own identity. He enjoys his life on Sunday, cherish each & every moments. Likewise CA student should be not less than a professional Mon thru Sat, but on Sunday he/she should take a break from professional life. He/she should try and dedicate maximum time to family & friends, exploring new things in a life.

Sahil was face to the world but Samar was the brain behind a master plans. Samar was the more intelligent & sharp than Sahil. Even in reality it is known to all of us that more your brain is creative; you will be more sharper and adapting new things. So if you don’t take a break & work for seven days in a week, you may lose your sharpness & your edge. It is necessary to do something different once in a week/month so that you can keep yourself charged up while you are facing real world.

All of you must have liked & loved that great Magic Box trick. In that Sahil used to go inside the box and after that box was closed, when opened he got disappeared and from the different corner of the circus he used to pop up.  Similarly we should balance our Work, Student & personal life. While coming back to home from work/studies we should put all our tensions, pressure and   disappointments in that Magic Box and let them disappear in front of our family & friends and vice versa. When you come in front of family & friend you should be as live as you have left in the morning for work/studies. We have to learn to play a different identity but you should appear as single person in front of world.

And finally the climax scene when Sahil was about to fall down, Samar did holds his hand tightly and did not let him fall. Similarly you should not allow to imbalance both the separate identity & should learn to command it as and when it requires. If you are more lenient in work place you will miss many things to learn & if you don’t give life to yourself, family & friends periodically you will be professionally successful but you will not be having family & friend around you to rejoice your success.

If you imbalance your emotions either you will be professional without working experience or you will be learned professional without degree.  

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