Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Accounts Payable Vs. Accrued Expense

Account payable and accrued expenses are both are the part of current liabilities. Both are shown in liabilities side of balance sheet. But still there is need to understand the difference between accounts payable and accrued  expenses. Here, we are trying to show the existence of difference between account payable and accrued expense.

1. Meaning 

Account Payable: It is the total of the amount we have to pay our creditor for bought goods on credit or taken debt. For example, we have bought goods from A, B, C and D of Rs. 50,000, Rs. 60,000, Rs. 70,000 and Rs. 80,000. Total accounts payable Rs. 260000.

 Accrued  Expenses: It is total of the amount which is payable to those who has given us the services but on the due date, we did not pay to them. So, all these unpaid expenses will become our current liabilities. For example, salary outstanding Rs. 6000 and rent outstanding Rs. 7000. Total outstanding or accrued expenses Rs. 13000. 

2. Time of Recognize 

Account Payable : We recognize account payable everyday when we buy goods on credit or get debt. We pass the normal entry and it be shown in our ledger account.

Accrued Expenses : We recognize accrued expenses at the end of accounting period. At the end of accounting period, we recognize it and through adjusting journal entries, we show it in our accounts and also show its effect on our profit and loss account and balance sheet. 

Liability Account Vs Expense Account

To compare liability account and expense accounting for knowing the difference between liability account and expense account is very necessary for making correct financial statements. There are lots of transaction and accounting department can easily classify it in its suitable account if its accounts manager knows these types differences.

Following are the main differences of Liability Account and Expense Account:-

1. Identification 

Liability account : Liability account represents the liabilities. We have obtained services in advance or debt or goods on credit, so we have obligation to pay the cost of service or repay debt or cost of goods which we have bought on credit.

Expense account : Expense account represents expenses. In this account, we show the payments which we have paid for current period benefits.

2. Where will it Go in Financial Statements 

Liability account : Liability account will show in liabilities side of Balance Sheet. Changes in the balances of liabilities over the two financial years will show in Cash Flow Statement. We do not show it in income statement because it is not expense or income account. But remember, there is exception of this principle. Outstanding expense is the current liability which also show in the income statement.

Expense account : Expense account will show in the debit side of income statement. We also adjust all operating expenses when we will calculate the cash from operation in cash flow statement.

3. Classification 

Liability account : Liability account is different from expense account on the basis of classification. All liabilities are our obligations for past, current or future benefits.

Expense account : For getting revenue, we have to pay expenses, it may be production expenses, administrative expenses or selling expenses. If expense are very huge than revenue, we have to show these expenses in asset side and written off some part by transferring to profit and loss account.

4. Conversion of Liability account  into Expense account

Liability account can be converted into expense account if we pay the payment of services which we have obtained already. For example, our salary payable account is of Rs. 100,000 after 30 days of creating salary payable account, we have paid all these liabilities, now, same liability account will be our salary expense account and it will be closed by transferring our income statement. 

பழங்களின் பலன்கள்

பழங்களில் மிகுந்த மருத்துவ குணம் கொண்டது, அத்திப்பழம். 8 மீட்டர் வரை உயரமாக வளரும் அத்தி மரத்தின் இலையை வாழை இலை போல் உணவு உண்ண பயன்படுத்துகின்றனர். அத்தி பழம் கொத்தாக செடியின் அடிப்பகுதியிலோ தண்டின் எப்பகுதியில் வேண்டுமானாலும் கிளைகள் பிரியும் இடத்தில் தொங்கியபடி காணப்படும். பழுத்ததும் உட்புறம் சிவப்பாக இருக்கும். விதைகள் ஆலம் பழத்தில் இருப்பதுபோல் சிறியதாக காணப்படும். ஆண்டுக்கு இருமுறை அத்திப்பழம் அறுவடை செய்யப்படுகிறது. ஒரு மரத்தில் சுமார் 180 முதல் 300 கனிகள் கிடைக்கும் கனிகளை உலரவைத்து வெகுநாட்கள் வரை வைத்து
பதப்படுத்தலாம். புத்தம் புதிய அத்தி பழத்தில் புரத சத்து 4 கிராம், சுண்ணாம்பு சத்து 200 மிலி கிராம், இரும்பு சத்து 4 மில்லி கிராம், வைட்டமின் ஏ, தயாமின் 0.10 மிலி கிராம் மற்றும் 260 கலோரி சத்துகள் உள்ளன. அத்தி பழத்தில் வைட்டமின் சி குறைந்த அளவில் உள்ளது. ஆனால் அதிக அளவு சர்க்கரை சுண்ணாம்பு சத்து, இரும்பு, தாமிர சத்து உள்ளது. அத்தி பழம் உலர வைக்கப்பட்டு டின்களில் அடைத்து ஏற்றுமதி செய்யலாம். அத்தி பழத்தில் ஜாம் தயாரிக்கலாம். உலர்ந்த பழத்தை பொடிபொடியாக்கி காபி பொடிக்கு பதில் உபயோகப்படுத்தலாம். காயில் இருந்து பால் எடுக்கப்பட்டு மருந்து பொருளாக பயன்படுகிறது. அத்தி, ஜீரணத்தை எளிதாக்கும், சிறுநீர் கற்களை கரைக்கும். மண்ணீரல், கல்லீரல் குறைபாடுகளை தீர்க்கும். மூல நோயை குணப்படுத்தும். காய்களில் இருந்து கிடைக்கும் பாலை வாய்ப்புண்ணில் தடவினால் வாய்ப்புண் ஆறும். அத்தி பழத்தை சர்க்கரையுடன் கலந்து இரவு பனியில் படும்படி வைத்து காலையில் எடுத்து சாப்பிட 15 நாட்களில் உடம்பில் உள்ள வெப்பத்தன்மை குறைந்து குளிர்ச்சி ஏற்படும். மலச்சிக்கல் தீரும். ரத்த விருத்தி ஏற்படும். பித்தம் தணியும். வெள்ளைப் படுதலை தடுக்கும். ஆண்மையை பெருக்கும்.
அடுத்ததாக ஏழைகளின் ஆப்பிள் எனப்படும் கொய்யா,
இந்திய பழ வகைகளில் 4வது இடத்தை பெற்றுள்ளது. கொய்யாவில் வைட்டமின் சி மற்றும் பெக்டின் சத்துகளும் வைட்டமின் சி 260 மில்லி கிராமும் உள்ளது. கொய்யா பழத்தை முழுப்பழமாக, ஜாமாக, ஜெல்லியாக, சர்பத்தாக எந்த முறையில் வேண்டுமானாலும் சாப்பிடலாம். வயிற்றில் புண்களை நீக்கும், நீரிழிவை குறைக்கும், விந்துவை பெருக்கும். அடிக்கடி ஏற்படும் விக்கலை குணப்படுத்தும். வைட்டமின் சி அதிகம் உள்ளதால் எலும்பு மற்றும் பற்கள் உறுதியாகும். உடல் வளர்ச்சி கூடும். கொய்யா பழம் சாப்பிடுவதால் குடல், ஜீரண பை, கல்லீரல் மண்ணீரல் புத்துணர்வு பெற்று பலம் பெறும். கொய்யா காய் வயிற்று போக்கை குணமாக்கும். கொய்யா இலை வயிற்று புண்ணுக்கு மருந்தாகிறது.
கொய்யா பழத்துக்கு அடுத்து மிகவும் சிறந்த பழம் மாதுளம் பழம்.
மாதுளம் பழம் இலை, பூ, பட்டை, வேர் அனைத்துமே மருத்துவ பயன்களை கொண்டது. மாதுளம் பழம் சாப்பிட்டால் வயிற்றுக்கு குளிர்ச்சி தரும். ஜீரணத்தை அதிகரித்து ரத்த விருத்தி பெற வைக்கும். பித்தம் நீக்கும். எலும்பு, பற்களுக்கு உறுதி தரும். குடல், வயிற்று புண் ஆற்றும். நெஞ்சு எரிச்சலை குறைக்கும். மலச் சிக்கலை தீர்க்கும். புதிய ரத்தத்தை உருவாக்கும். மாதுளம் பழ சாறுடன் கற்கண்டை கலந்து சாப்பிட்டால் உடல் சூடு நீங்கும். மூல நோய் தீரும். மாதுளம் பழ சாறுடன் அருகம் புல் சாறு கலந்து சாப்பிட்டால் அறுந்த மூக்கில் இருந்து வரும் ரத்தம் நிற்கும். மாதுளம் பழ தோலை இடித்து சாறு எடுத்து மிளகு பொடியை கலந்து சாப்பிட்டால் போதை மயக்கம் தீரும். மாதுளம் பூவை கொதிக்க வைத்து குடித்தால் பித்த கோளாறு நீங்கும். வேர் பட்டையை அரைத்து நீர் சேர்த்து கசாயமாக காய்ச்சி மூன்று வேளை குடித்தால் வயிற்று பூச்சிகள் ஒழியும். மாதுளம் பூவை உலர வைத்து பொடியாக்கி தூளை நீரில் கலந்து குடித்தால் இருமல் தீரும். பூவை இடித்து சாறு எடுத்து அத்துடன் ஓரிரு துளி இஞ்சி சாறு கலந்து குடித்தால் சளி, இருமல் தீரும். பூச்சாறுடன் தேன் கலந்து குடித்தால் வயிற்று கடுப்பு நீங்கும். கோடை துவங்கி விட்டதால் நாளும் ஒரு பழத்தை சாப்பிட்டு உடல் நலனை பேணி பாதுகாப்போம்.

ஸ்வஸ்திக் ஆசனம்

1 feet forward to sitting down to 1 1/2 feet of space to extend.
கீழே உட்கார்ந்து கால்களை முன்னோக்கி 1 முதல் 1 1/2 அடி இடைவெளி விட்டு நீட்ட வேண்டும். முதலில் இடது காலின் முட்டியை மடக்கி வலது காலின் உள் தொடையில் படும்படி வைத்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும். வலதுகாலின் முட்டியை மடக்கி இடது காலின் உள்தொடையில் பாதி படும்படி வைக்க வேண்டும். இரண்டு கால் மூட்டுகளின் மேல் கைகளை வைத்து தியான முத்திரை நிலையில் இருக்க வேண்டும். முதுகும், கழுத்தும் தலையும் நேராக இருக்க வேண்டும். கண்களை மூடிக்கொள்ள வேண்டும். நிதானமாக மூச்சை உள்வாங்கி மெதுவாக வெளிவிட வேண்டும். இவ்வாசனம் செய்யும் முன் மலம், சிறுநீரை வெளியேற்றிவிட வேண்டும்.
உடலில் வெப்பநிலையைச் சீராக்கி புறச் சூழ்நிலைக்கேற்ப மூச்சுக்காற்றை நிதானமாக உள்வாங்கி வெளியிடுவதால் தேவையற்ற கொழுப்புகள் கரைக்கப்படும். தசைகளின் இறுக்கம் குறைந்த நல்ல நிலைக்கு வரும். மன எண்ணங்கள் ஒருமைப்படும். முதுகுத் தண்டுவடத்தில் வலிகள் இருந்தால் அவை நீங்கும். இது இடுப்புக்குச் சிறந்த ஆசனமாகும். நாசிப்பகுதி சுத்தம் அடைந்து, நுரையீரலுக்குச் செல்லும் காற்றின் அளவு அதிகமாகும். இதனால் இரத்தம் சுத்தமடையும். உள்ளுறுப்புகள் பலப்படும். நினைவாற்றலைத் தூண்டும். இந்த ஆசன நிலையில் முத்திரைகளை கடைப்பிடிப்பதால் இதயத் துடிப்பு சீராக இருக்கும். மன அழுத்தம், மன உளைச்சல் நீங்கும். இதய நோயாளிகளும் இரத்த அழுத்த நோயால் பாதிக்கப்பட்டவர்களும் இவ்வாசனம் செய்வது நல்லது. சிறுவர் முதல் பெரியவர் வரை செய்யும் எளிய யோகாசன முறை தான் இந்த ஸ்வாஸ்திகாசனம். இதனை தினமும் இருமுறை செய்து வந்தால் நோயின்றி ஆரோக்கியமாக வாழலாம்.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

How to Audit Information Technology

If a company uses information technology infrastructure for doing business instead of manual system, at that time, there is the big need of auditing this information system or information technology for deducting and preventing the fraud and errors.

For auditing information technology, auditor has to become tech-sevy. Otherwise, auditor can not get the project of IT audit from big corporates. Before knowing the steps to audit the information technology, he should know that there are also different name of IT Audit. Synonyms of IT audit are

(a) EDP Audits ( Electronic data processing audits)
(b) Computer Audits
(c) ADP Audits ( Automated data processing audits)
(d) Information System Audits

Following are the Steps of Audit of Information Technology

1. Scoping and Pre-Audit Survey

First step of IT audit is to determine the scope of information systems. He has to become well-known about the area of his audit. He should have the knowledge about the employees who are responsible their respective work in information system. He should take the interviews of all these IT personnel. He should record it in his notepaper. In his scope audit, he should fix his objective of audit. It should be the evaluation of security system, accuracy and IT governance.


Auditor should make written planning of audit of information system. He should fix the team members who will review the system. He has to fix whether all data and information system infrastructure will be reviewed or sample basis. Measure the risk level of information system audit. Plan to control it. Fix the time limit of audit.

3. Fieldwork and Studying 

Now, auditor and his team will visit where is the information system has installed. He and his expert team will check it practically. Collect the evidence of system's work. Write what they observed. Remember, if there is small mistake in information system, it will affect the recording of millions of transactions. For example, there is system of automatic recording of depreciation. If rates are entered wrongly in it whole assets depreciation will be wrong and financial statements will automatically be affected from this. So, there is a deep study every system in it.

4. Analysis and Tests

Analysis and tests of system is also important part of IT audit. Audit trail can help in this. Auditor and his team should analysis each given report by system. Through logical skill, check whether it is correct or not.

5. Reporting

This is the 5th step in which auditor will make the report for writing his opinion on the information system's accuracy and strength to control access outsiders. He can also write other recommendation as per auditing standards.

6. Follow Up

In the end process, auditor checks past audit reports and recommendations and see whether management has follow up or not. If not, auditor should give the report with some warning and consequences as per law if not follow in his given time limit.

NEFT in india

NEFT in India is very good system for transferring money from one bank to another bank's branch. NEFT means national electronic fund transfer. This system uses CAS for recording the transfer. 

Head office of NEFT is in Mumbai. NEFT is connected all the branches of all the banks. For using NEFT, bank uses IFS-Code or IFC Code which is a 11 digit code. Today, more than 74,680 branches / offices of 101 banks in the country (out of around 82,400 bank branches) are NEFT-enabled. Every bank opens his Service center in NEFT office.

Process of Transfer through NEFT in India

Process of fund transfer through NEFT in India is very systematical.

1. First of all remitter requests his bank to transfer his money to beneficiary. Both remitter and beneficiary are the customers of two banks. So, for your understanding, we are saying one as remitter and second as customer.

2. Now Remitter's Bank will generate a financial message (SFMS message) and will send it to his service center for NEFT.

3. Same message is sent by service center of remitter bank to clearing cell of RBI, mumbai.

4. Now, both accounts's will settle by showing remitter's bank account Debit and customer's bank account credit. Now, customer can use his credited fund for any purpose. If fund will not be transferred to beneficiary, it will again be credited to remitter's bank account.

Important :

a) If you will transfer your fund to other bank, you will see NEFT option in your online banking account. You just follow it and transfer, next procedure is taken by by your remitter bank, service center and national clearing cell of RBI.
b) You can study the detail of process more deeply from RBI's Official website at here. 

NEFT Transaction Cut off Time is Exceeded Means

Today Monday morning, I was emergency for transferring fund from my online PNB account to my SBI account for this, I used NEFT option for transfer my money but it was giving me the trouble. It is showing "NEFT Transaction Cut off time is exceeded"

I think, like me there are lots of other clients of bank who are facing same problem. So, it is better to mention its meaning in Accounting Education for better understanding ofbank's online account. 

As per PNB help center, it has been mentioned,  " The fund transfer takes place within the same day if it within the cut-off time and the next working day if it is beyond the cut-off time prescribed. It is a batch settlement mode."

If you still could not understand, I define it in simple words.

NEFT Transaction Cut off Time is Exceeded Means NEFT will not transfer your money if you are late or you earlier from its given time for transferring money through NEFT.

As per ICICI, banks NEFT time is fixed 

NEFT Transaction Timing from Monday to Friday: 

Start time 9:00 AM(IST)
Cut off time 6:30 PM(IST)

NEFT Transaction Timing on Saturday: 

Start time 9:00 AM(IST)
Cut Off time 12:30 PM (IST)

If you transfer fund through NEFT before or after this time, it will be NEFT transaction cut off time is exceeded. It is just like, you go bank 7 :00 a.m. but bank opens 10:00 a.m. Monday to Saturday. 

Update : As per talking with customer care of PNB, the time will start from 6:30 a.m. all other time schedule is just icici bank. Moreover bank holiday, NEFT department will not open, so you can not do any transaction through NEFT. For example, today is Mahaveer Jyanti and today is NEFT off. So, I could not transfer through NEFT.

Procedures for Computerized Auditing

Today is the time of computer. Internet has become so fast and can be used both on mobile and computer. So, auditing procedures has also shifted from its manual steps to computerized steps. Following are the main steps of computerized auditing procedures.

1. To Select the Computer for Auditing

All accounting data will be in computer and managed by different accounting softwares. Auditor just has to select the computer for his examination. Today, all most all the accounting software creates the id and password for auditing. Auditor will use. He can take sample machines or all machines for data auditing.

2. Make the List of Checked Accounts

Computers are very helpful for auditing large data in small time. But there is the chance of loss of time in duplication. For this, auditor will make the list of his checked accounts. This is called check list. Here, he can see, what he has checked and what he has to check.

3. Process the Data 

One of important step in computerized auditing is to process the data. Auditor will manage the staff for acquisition of raw data by collecting documents and bills. He will convert all manual records digitized. All the bills which are in PDF, gets and add in proof list for auditing. He also add inquiry letters in computer.

4. Audit Trail

He will also activate the audit trail. It will help to see each transaction record from traced back to its source documents.

What is Capital Income

Today, I have obtained a call from a student who want to know the clear definition of capital income. What is its meaning and how can we compare it with loan and other revenue income? So, today, I am explaining this deeply.

All the incomes which will add directly in the capital for supporting business and using for capital expenditure will be capital income.


 Our net profit is the example of capital income because we directly add it in our capital for using this income for buying long term assets and used for other capital expenditures.

 Second example, we can take the special donation which is given by donor for making the building. Before making the building, we can not use it for revenue expenditures.

Third example is divided. If we are not doing the business of buying and selling of shares and stocks, then divided will be our capital income otherwise it will be our revenue income.

Is Loan a Capital Income

No loan is not capital income because this is our liability. If we did not pay, creditor will sell our property for getting their loan. Interest on loan will also not our capital income. It will be our current liability.

Revenue Income Vs Capital Income 

Revenue income is the income which is used for revenue expenditures like paying the bills of electricity, bills of salaries and others. Capital income is not used for such expenses. It can be used only for paying long term and short term liabilities and buying long term and short term assets.

Current and Non current Liabilities Examples

Current and non current liabilities both are the parts of total liabilities of business. Both are shown in the liability side of balance sheet. Current liabilities are paid within one financial year or beginning of second financial year. Non current liabilities are taken for long period. These liabilities are not settled within one financial year. Now we explain the examples of Current and Non current liabilities.

Current Liabilities Examples 

1. Account Payables or Sundry Creditors

If company bought the goods on credit, company has to pay the party. So, payable amount to that creditor is the part of our current liability. Through cash or other current liabilities, we can pay our account payable.

2. Bill Payable

Bill payable is also current- liability of company. Amount which is shown in the bill will be payable on the maturity date of bill.

3. Outstanding Expenses 

All outstanding expenses are the part of current liabilities. In these, we can include outstanding salary, outstanding interest, outstanding rent and other outstanding expenses. Before paying these outstanding expenses, we will show it in total current liabilities.

4. Advance Incomes 

Because we have received advance before giving the service, so advance income is also our current liability. For example, we did not provide tuition service but we got tuition fees. So, tuition fees which we have received in advance will be our current liability. We have to return this money if the customer does not take our tuition service.

5. Short Term Bank Loan

In short term bank loan, we can include bank overdraft and credit card payments.

6. Other Short Term Loans 

If businessman takes short term loan from other party, this will be the part of current liabilities. Actually, this is taken for settling the past current liabilities.

7. Tax Liabilities

All tax liabilities of company will be current liabilities.

8.  Provisions 

All provisions for loss of current assets will be the part of our current liabilities. For example, there is 10% provision of doubtful debt on the Debtor is the part of current liabilities.

 Non current Liabilities Examples

1. Long- Term Bank Loan

When a company takes long term bank loan for buying his infrastructure, it will be the part of non-current liabilities. For example, ABC company takes $ 120000 loan from XYZ bank for 10 years on the security of his factory plant. This bank loan of $ 120000 will be the part of non-current liabilities.

2. Long Term Other Loan

All other secured and unsecured long term loan which will be taken, will be the part of non-current liabilities. For example, Google took long term debt of 2,986 Millions Dollars in Dec. 2011. See reference at here.
 3. Bonds and Debentures

Bonds and debentures are also long term liabilities. These are the long term loan but company makes bonds and debentures as their products for getting loan money more fastly. Company gives interest on bonds and debentures.

4. Long Term Lease Obligations 

Long term lease obligations are also part of non current liabilities. In capital lease, company buys the asset by giving rent. After the last installment, company will get the right on the asset which it has taken on lease.

5. Liabilities Relating to Employees' Fund 

There are lots of deductions which is deducted by company. Company collects this money and transfer to different employees' welfare funds. For example, pension funds, employees' state insurance fund, employees' provident fund. So, all are the liabilities of company.

6. Fixed Deposits of Customers of Customers 

If bank gets money from customers in the form of FD for more than one year, it will be the non current liability of bank

What is the Meaning of Non current Liabilities

A noncurrent liability is a liability that is not paid within one year. It means, such liabilities will not become due within current financial year. So, we say such liabilities non current liabilities. Main examples of non current liabilities are long term loan, bonds, debentures, long term lease obligations, Employees' fund liabilities and fixed deposits of customers.

To know the correct meaning of non-current liabilities is so important to all business interested parties like businessman, management and investors. Businessman can take decision to reduce this liabilities and to utilize the fund from these liabilities after seeing its level in the balance sheet. Management can manage more fund from loan if this liability is so low and in the market, interest rates are so low. At that time, business can enjoy his trade on equity. Investors who want to invest money in the bonds or debentures or shares will see past non-current liabilities because if this fund is more than share capital and most of this fund is wasted in business losses, this information will help investors not to invest his money in such business.

There are also other measure of non-current liabilities. When we calculate the liabilities which we have to pay within present accounting year, then we deduct it from total liabilities, balance will be our non-current liability.

Important Fact 

Most of people think that Product warranties are the current liability but it may be non-current liability if this financial obligation will settle after 12 month period of product selling. So, if obligation is more than 12 months, liability will be non-current liability.

Other Names of Non-Current Liability

We can also say non-current liability as long term liability or fixed liability.

What is Bond Index

Bond index is average value of bonds in the bond market. We take the sample companies bonds and calculate the weighted average price of these bonds, this average price will be called bond index.

Govt. bonds, municipal bonds, corporate bonds and high yield bonds have indices in bond market. Bond index is useful for investors because bond indices provides credible data relating to bond market.

Main  Bond Indices

  • Barclays Capital Aggregate Bond Index
  • Salomon BIG
  • Merrill Lynch Domestic Master
  • CPMKTB - The Capital Markets Bond Index
  • Salomon Smith Barney World Government Bond Index
  • J.P. Morgan Government Bond Index
  • Access Bank Nigerian Government Bond Index
  • FTSE UK Gilts Index Series
  • MAX Hungarian Government Bond Index Series
  • J.P. Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index
  • JPMorgan GBI-EM Index
  • CSFB High Yield II Index (CSHY)
  • Merrill Lynch High Yield Master II
  • Bear Stearns High Yield Index (BSIX)

3 Things to Change Accounting Career Successfully

To change your accounting career is big decision. If you are working accountant in any company for 10 to 15 years and now, you have to take decision to change this company or becoming accounting teacher instead of accountant, it will bring stress in yourself because of family and other financial responsibilities.

At this time, we can help you if you think; we are so close to you. I remembered when I have left my teaching job due to non-coordination with boss. But after leaving job, I had become unemployed for 3 months which made my financial condition so poor. So, never try without long term planning of your financial security. 

Follow the 3 things, if you have taken decision for changing your accounting career.

1.       Trust in Yourself

Trust in yourself is very necessary for changing accounting career successfully. Are you identifying your more potential in yourself? Do you believe, you have right to get more salary but you are getting less? Do you think, you have great idea for growing if you change your current position? First trust in your ideas. Trust in your thoughts. Trust, you are not wrong. This is real power which will give the energy when you have no job after leaving your current accounting job. It will give support when you have no money after this decision. If you are just hurry to take decision but not believing in yourself, you will be on your big mistake. Power of believing yourself cannot be ignored.

2.       Be Patient

When you leave your current accounting position and searching new position, it will take time. So, be patient. When a snake bites a person, person will become patient. It will take time to cover his body from poison. During this time, patient has to think positive. If he thinks about fear and other negative things, it is the chance, he will die. Same position is of you. For adjusting in changing environment, you have to stay positive and patience. Patience is good habit, you have to do its practice day and night and it will become your life’s part.

3.       Uplift Your Willpower

If you want to change your accounting career successfully, you also need to uplift your willpower. There are two types of will power which you can apply for achieving your goal. First is mental and second is physical. Before leaving the current accounting job, you have see the career update news for 10 to 15 minutes. Note the skills required in the newspaper. You give time to learn these new skills after job duty. Every action for increasing practical willpower will help to you to give equal willpower for your better decision.

Google Adsense Wire Transfer India Review

Today is first time, I am happy to tell, I got my google adsense income through wire transfer in India. So, it is good time to review this payment system for Indian publisher.

All the Indian publisher who has adsense account and whose account's balance is more than $ 100 has the right to get payment if he will follow TOS of google adsense.

Before wire transfer, there was cheque system. More than 6 years, I got my adsense payment through cheque. So, it is  easy for me to compare this wire payment with cheque payment system.

1. Saving of Time

One of biggest benefit is saving of time. Today, every Indian publisher wants to get his hard earned money fastly because they need this money for basic needs. I remembered, once, I did not get cheque of my adsense earning and I faced financial challenges for 4 months. Normally, I got my payment within 15 to 20 days after issue of cheque. But today morning, automatic payment has done through wire transfer and after 7 hours, I got payment in bank account. If I compare 20 days with one day, I can certainly say, this wire transfer for Indian publisher is best. It is not doubt EFT's payment is so fast than check payment.

2. No Risk of Stolen of Check 

I am also in google adsense forum and it is normal complaints that their checks were stolen by couriers. 70% Indian people are living in village. All have bank account. So, now, there is no risk of stolen the check. Adsense wire transfer or EFT will surely increase the confidence of village adsense publisher.

3. Benefit of Gaining More interest 

If we talk the time value of money, adsense wire transfer to Indian publisher will help to earn more interest on the obtained money fastly. For example an Indian adsense publisher is earning Rs. 10,00,000 if he will get this amount 30 days ago through wire transfer, it means as per 9% interest rate, he will get Rs. 7500 for 30 days which was not possible in google adsense cheque payment system.

4. Easy Formalities

In google adsense, I submitted my bank account, IFC code and my SWIFT code. This information is enough for getting wire transfer in India.

So, In end, this system is so easy and modern and upto date as per today tech-savy environment. Thanks google adsense for making the new and innovative payment system for Indian publisher.

Important : Google adsense account is the account for online publisher. Google adsense program shares advertising income with adsense publisher.This account follows basic accounting principles. When adsense's client earn money. This account shows credit balance. It is just your bank account. When there is money in money in your bank account, your bank account will also show credit balance.When adsense will pay you, it will debit your adsense account. It is also your bank account. When you withdraw money from bank, it will debit your bank account.

Update :Track Wire Payment Through Your Bank Account

I have used my SBI Bank account for this. Here is screenshot for tracking my adsense wire payment through my SBI bank account.