Monday, September 22, 2014

Form of Application for Registration of a Public Trust

Form of Application for Registration of a Public Trust
Schedule II (Vide Rule 6)

Court Fee Stamp
of Rs. 2/-
The Deputy/Assistant Charity Commissioner,
............................................................................ Region/Sub-Region
In the matter of Public Trust* ..............................................................
I ............................................. trustee of the above named public trust, hereby apply under section 18 of the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 for the Registration of the said public trust.
I submit the following necessary particulars:–

The designation by which the public trust is or shall be known.
(Name of the Public Trust)

Names of the trustees and managers with their addresses

Mode of succession to the trusteeship and managership

Objects of the trust :

Particulars of documents creating the trust
(attach copies)

Particulars other than documents about the origin or
creation of the trust.

Particulars of the scheme, if any, relating to the trust
(attach copy).

Movable property with estimated value of each class
of such property.

(Note:– Entries should be made by board description
of classes of such property, e.g., furniture, books, etc.,
rather than of each individual article. Entry regarding
cash should be made only if such cash forms part of
the capital of the trust. In the case of scripts give
particulars of each security, stock, share and debenture
including the number which it bears).

Details of immovable properties showing the
village or town where situate, along with C. S.,
Municipal or Survey No., area, assessment or Judi
and description of the tenure on which held (attach
certified copies of the entries in the Record of Rights,
city survey record or municipal record relating to
the properties).



Estimated value of each immovable property:–



Sources of income of the trust.

Average gross annual income:–
From Movable:–

From Immovable:–

Average annual expenditure

Amount of average annual expenditure:–

on remuneration to trustees and manager        ..

on establishment and staff                           ..

on religious objects                                     ..

on charitable objects                                   ..

on miscellaneous items                                 ..

(xii) Particulars of encumbrances, if any on trust Property –

Particulars of title deeds pertaining to trust
property and the names of trustees in possession thereof –

Remarks, if any –

Fees of Rs............................../- (...............................................) accompanies
Any communication to the trustee or manager in connection with the trust, may be sent to the following address :–

Name .......................................................

Address ....................................................


Signature of Applicant.................
I, the above named ............................................. inhabitant residing at ......................................... do solemnly affirm and say that what is stated in the above application is true to the best of my information and belief.
Solemnly affirmed at .................................. ]

aforesaid this ................... day of .............. ]
Signature ................................
200...                                                       ]

                                                             Before me.

* Give full name and address of the trust.
* If the Wakf or Trust is registered under the old Acts, no fees under 3 are payable.

Deputy Charity Commissioner/Assistant Charity Commissioner
.............................. Region
Shri ..............................................................................................................................................
                                                            (Name of Applicant)
For Charitable Institution/Association/Trust ........................................................................... have applied for registration under B.P.T. Act, 1950, on .................................... The information provided in the application are true, we have not to say anything more than that. We state that a separate notice for the details of the said application is no more necessary. We have no objection for the issue of Registration Certificate in the name of applicant. Please note that.

Name of other trustees
(including the applicant)

I know all the above said signatories.

(Applicant Sign.)

Date :

THIS DEED OF TRUST executed on this _______________________ day of __________________ year 20____, _______________________ BETWEEN __________________________________________ (Party of the first part) hereinafter called " SETTLOR OF THE TRUST" ________________________________________________________
________________________________________ AND _____________________________________ .

1. SHRI.                             S/O. SHRI                              , of ____________ &
2. SHRI.                             S/O. SHRI.                             , of ____________ &
3. SMT.                             W/O SHRI.                              , of ____________
(Hereinafter called " The Trustees" which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to include the survivors or survivor of them and the trustees or trustee for the time being of these presents and their heirs, executors and administrators of the last surviving trustee, their or his assignees) of the other part;
WHEREAS the party hereto of the first part is possessed of the sum of Rs. ___________/- (Rs. __________ Only) as his absolute property and he is desirous of creating a Religious/ Charitable/Educational Trust for the benefit of the humanity at large.
AND WHEREAS each of the parties hereto of the "Other Part" has individually and jointly has agreed to act as Trustees of the Trust, proposed by the party of the first part.
AND WHEREAS nothing contained in this deed shall be deemed to authorize the trustees to do any act which may in any way be construed statutory modifications thereof and all activities of the trust shall be carried out with a view to benefit the public at large, without any profit motive and in accordance with the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 or any statutory modification thereof.
AND WHEREAS the trust is hereby expressly declared to be a public charitable trust and all the provisions of this deed are to be constituted accordingly.
The party of the first part, the settlor, does hereby settle the sum of Rs._______ /- (Rs. __________ only) in Trust, with the name and for the objects hereinafter stated, by delivering the said amount in cash which the party of the other part, the Tustees, have accepted the receipt of which they do hereby acknowledge, to hold the same in and to the Trustees with the powers and obligations as provided hereinafter.
2.      NAME
The name of the Trust shall be "  ABC                                               ".
3.      PLACE
The principal office of the Trust shall be situated at C-110, MAHARANI ENCLAVE, HASTSAL VILLAGE UTTAMNAGAR, NEW DELHI -110059 or such other place as the Trustees may from time to time decide. The Trust may also carry on its work at any other place or places, as decided by the Trustees.
4.      OBJECTS
a.    Educational – to run, maintain or assist any educational or other institution for coaching, guidance, conselling or vocational training or to grant individual scholarships for poor, deserving and needy students for elementary and higher education.
b.    Medical – to run, maintain or assist any medical institution, nursing home or clinics or to grant assistance to needy and indigent persons for meeting the cost of medical treatment.
c.    Relief of the poor – to give financial or other assistance in kind by way of distribution of books, notebooks, cloths, uniforms, or meals for the poor and indigent and to the persons suffer due to natural calamities.
d.      Other objects of general public utility –
         i.   to acquire property for the sole use for public good by making it available for public purposes as for example, housing a library clinic, crèche and/or as a community ball to be available for public use as training classes, seminars, discourses and other public functions for benefit of the community in general.
       ii. to undertake any other activity incidental to the above activities but which are not inconsistent with the above objects.
PROVIDED the Trust may assist/donate the other TRUST to carry out the various objects mentioned in the objects clause in such manner and to the extent the Trustees may decide upon from time to time.
5.      FUNDS
The Trustees may accept donations, grants, subscriptions, aids or contributions from any person, Government, Local authorities or any other charitable institutions, in cash or in kind including immovable property without any incumbrance, but the Trustees shall not accept any receipt with any condition or terms inconsistent with the objects of the Trusts. While applying such receipts to the objects, the Trustees shall respect the directions, if any, by the granter. Any receipt with specific direction to treat the same as part of the corpus of the Trust or separate fund shall be funded accordingly.
                                 i. All monies, which shall not immediately required for current needs shall be invested by the Trustees in eligible securities and investments, or in banks. Such investments shall be in the name of Trust or Trustees.
                               ii.  That the trustees shall invest the trust fund, carry on any business with the trust fund and/or enter into partnership on behalf of the trust, as they may deem fit.
                              iii.That the trustees shall manage the trust fund and investments thereof as a prudent man would do the same. They shall recover all outstandings and meet all recurring and other expenses incurred in the upkeep or management thereof.
                             iv. That the trustees shall receive and hold the income of the trust on behalf and for the benefit of the beneficiaries under the trust.
That the trustees shall have the following powers :
      to manage all the assets and/or properties of the trust including the conduct of business;
        i.  to appoint employees and to settle the terms of their service, remuneration and termination;
         ii.  to look into the management of the trust;
         iii. to invest the funds of the trust, in bank or in the purchase of company shares or securities or other movable and movable and immovable properties;
        iv. to sell, alter, vary, transpose or otherwise dispose or alienate the trust properties or any investment representing the same for consideration and to reinvest the same;
       v. to pledge or mortgage the trust properties for raising loans;
        vi. to open the bank accounts in the name and on behalf of the trust and to operate the same;
                           vii.            To enter into a partnership on behalf of the trust with any other party or parties;
                          viii.            To pay all charges, impositions and other outgoings payable in respect of the trust properties and also to pay all cost of the incidental to the administration and management of the trust properties;
                             ix.            To file suit on behalf of the trust and to refer to arbitration all actions proceedings and disputes touching the trust properties and to compromise and compound the suits filed;
                              x.            To accept any gift, donation or contribution in cash or in kind from anyone for the objects of the trust;
                             xi.            To seek legal opinion of lawyers and/or Chartered Accountants as and when required;
                           xii.            To nominate their representatives for any of the aforesaid purposes.
8.      The number of the trustees shall not be less than two but not more than five.
9.      In case of any difference between the trustees, the opinion of the minority shall
10. Every trustee will be at liberty to nominate or appoint attorneys or agents and to delegate all or any of the duties and powers vested in him to such attorney or agent, and to remove such attorney or agent and reappoint other or others in his place.
11. No trustee shall be responsible or liable for any loss or any act of omission or commission by his constituted attorney or agent or employees or other trustees unless occasioned by his wilful neglect or default.
12. Any of the trustees may retire on giving one month’s notice in writing to the other trustee(s).
13. If any trustee dies or retires or becomes incapable or unfit to act, the continuing or surviving trustee or trustees shall appoint a successor in the place of such trustee.
14. If at any time the number of the trustees is less than two, the existing trustee shall appoint one or more trustees.
15. Upon the appointment of a new trustee the trust properties shall vest in the new trustee jointly with the continuing or surviving trustees, with the duties and power of the trustees set out hereinabove in this deed.
16. If the trust is determined by efflux of time, the corpus of the trust shall be divided amongst the beneficiaries in the shares as fixed by the trusees.
All income, subscription and pecuniary donations for the general purposes of the Trust and the income, investments and all other moneys from time to time forming part of the general revenue of the Trust shall on the same being received be paid into a banking account with any scheduled bank for the purpose of the Trust. The bank accounts shall be operated by the Managing Trustee along with any one of the remaining Trustees.
                                 .            The Trustee shall keep proper books of account of all the assets, liabilities and income and expenditure of the Trust and shall prepare an Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet for every year as on the last day of March.
                                 i.            The accounts of every year shall be audited by a Chartered Accountant or a firm of Chartered Accountants who shall be appointed for that purpose by the Trustees and the audited accounts shall be placed at a meeting of the Trustees, which shall be held before the end of the succeeding year.
This Trust is irrevocable.
The trustees may amalgamate the trust with another Charitable Trust or Institution having similar objects with prior permission of the Charity Commissioner/Court/any other law as may be applicable for the time being.
In the event of dissolution or winding up of the Trust the assets remaining as on the date of dissolution shall under no circumstances be distributed amongst the Trustees but the same shall be transferred to some other similar Trust/Organization whose objects are similar to those of this Trust with the permission of the Charity Commissioner / Court / any other law as may be applicable for the time being.
The Trustees shall be indemnified against all losses and liabilities incurred by them in the execution of the Trust and shall have a lien over the funds and properties of the Trust for such indemnity.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Parties hereunto have signed and delivered the presents on the day and year first hereinabove written.
WITNESS :                                                                   1. TRUSTEE ____________
1.                                                                                    2. TRUSTEE ____________
2.                                                                                    3. TRUSTEE ____________


I, ______________________________ (Participant), being first duly sworn, do depose and say:
1. I, ______________________________ (Participant), have caused to be created a trust, a trust instrument and/or a will.
2. The name of the trust, trust instrument and/or will is _____________________________
3. The name of the trustee(s), date of birth, social security number and current address is:
A. Trustee’s Name
Date of Birth 

B. Trustee’s Name
Date of Birth
4. The trust, trust instrument and/or will identified in paragraphs 1 and 2, above, is in full force and effect and is a valid trust, trust instrument and/or will under the laws of the State of Oregon.
5. The trust, trust instrument and/or will is irrevocable or will by its terms become irrevocable upon my death.
6. A correct and complete list of all beneficiaries of the trust, trust instrument and/or will, including any contingent and remainder beneficiaries and a description of the conditions of their entitlement as beneficiaries is as follows:
A. Beneficiary’s Name
Date of Birth
Social Security No.
Description of the conditions of beneficiary’s entitlement:

B. Beneficiary’s Name
Date of Birth 
Description of the conditions of beneficiary’s entitlement:

C. Beneficiary’s Name
Date of Birth
Description of the conditions of beneficiary’s entitlement:
(Note: Additional beneficiaries may be identified on a separate page.)
7. I, ______________________________ (Participant), will provide, within a reasonable time, an amended affidavit of trust should any information contained in the original trust, trust instrument and/or will identified in paragraphs 1 and 2, above, change. The amended affidavit will contain any changes, including, but not limited to, change in beneficiaries.
8. I, ______________________________ (Participant), agree to provide a copy of the trust, trust instrument and/or will to the Administrator of the City of Portland’s Deferred Compensation Plan upon request.
Participant Signature
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this _____ day of __________, 20_______.
Notary Public for Oregon
My commission expires:

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