Monday, September 22, 2014


This agreement is made on 26th day of April 2010 at Baripada in the   District of Mayurbhanj.


Sri Rabindra Bhuyan, aged about 75 years, S/O- Late                       resident of Prafulla Nagar, Ward No.12 P.O.- Baripada, P.S.- Baripada, Dist.-Mayurbhanj(hereinafter called as the Lessor or the Landlord) of the first part.

Sri Niranjan Puthal, aged about 39 years, S/O- Maheswar Puthal, Proprietor M/S MANISHA AGENCY, AT. Prafulla Nagar, Ward No.12 P.O.- Baripada, P.S.- Baripada, Dist.-Mayurbhanj (hereinafter called as the Lessee or the tenant ) of the Second part.

Whereas the lessor is the owner of a house situated at Prafulla Nagar, Ward No.12 in the town of Baripada.
And whereas the lessee being the proprietor of M/S MANISHA AGENCY approached the lessor to take the said house on monthly rent for running business of his firm M/S MANISHA AGENCY and the lessor has agreed to let out the said house to the lessee, on the following terms and conditions agreed between the parties.
(1)That the duration of the tenancy is fixed for a term of five year commencing from 1st May 2010 and ending on 30th April 2004.

(2) That the rent of the said premises is fixed at Rs500/-(Five Hundred) only per month excluding electricity charges which will be paid by the lessee.

(3) That the tenant shall pay the monthly rent in advance regularly on or before 5th day of every month. If the tenant defaults in payment of the rent for one month he is liable for eviction of the premises.
(4)That the tenant shall not let or sub-let or part with the possession of the tenanted premises without written consent of the land lord.

(5)That the tenant will store any article in the leased premises which will damage the premises and shall keep the leased premises neat and clean and maintain all the fittings and fixtures of the premises in habitable condition during the tenancy.

(6)That the tenant will not engage in any illegal activities in the tenanted premises which are prohibited by any law, for the time being in force in India.

(7)That the tenancy may be renewed for a further period on the terms and conditions as will be agreed by the parties after expiry of the lease period.

(8) It is hereby agreed that minimum 2(Two) months prior notice on either side is required for the termination of the tenancy.

(9) That after expiry of the lease by efflux of time or earlier determination of the lease due to act of the parties or breach of conditions the lessee will be bound to deliver vacate possession of the leased premises to the lessor or else lessee will be bound to pay damage @ Rs100/-(Rupee One Hundred)only per day to the lessor during the period of unauthorized occupation of the leased premises.

In witness whereof the lessor and the lessee have put their signature on this agreement in token acceptance of the terms and conditions laid above after fully knowing the same.
                                                                                    Signature of lessor
                                                                                    Signature of lessee
Prepared by me and computerized in my office

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