You can administer users belonging to an account by assign security levels with predefined permissions in order to enable remote access, assign users to a site and maintain the active users as required.
To administer the users within an account follow the steps shown:
In the Control Centre screen
- Select User Management and press Enter
- By default, the Security Level for the User ID, Permission to access Tally.NET and the Status is displayed.
- To Create the required user:
- Select the required Security Level from the list of Security Level
- Enter the required E-Mail ID in the Tally.NET ID field. Using the E-Mail ID provided a Tally.NET ID is created and the Password is emailed.
- Set Tally.NET User field to Yes when you want the user to access data from a anywhere using Tally.NET.
- In the Status field, select the required status from list of Status which are explained below
- Active: Set the status to active when you want the user to be in operational mode.
- Deleted: Set the status to deleted when you want the user to be removed permanently.
- In-active: Set the status to In-active when you want the user to be non-operational mode. You can change the status to Active as required.

Note: You can assign the required site name to a user in case of Multi Site.
You cannot delete Account/Site Administrator’s ID from User Management.
- Accept to save the user created.
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