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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bonafide Certificate

Bonafide Certificate
A Bonafide Certificate is a certificate which is issued as a proof that an individual belongs to the particular education institute or a particular organization. In case of a bonafide certificate in a school, it is basically used to certify that whether a student is studying in an institute or not. This certificate in school consists of the student's name, admission no, the class in which the student is studying at present. It also sometimes includes the date of birth of the student as it specified in the school records.
When considering an organization consisting of several employees, this Bonafide Certificate plays a vital role in ensuring the salary payments to the employees. This Scheme of Bonafide certificate was first introduced in the year of 1980. The Bonafide Certificate is one form of computer generated report which consists of three important things about the employees. They are: 
  • Contact details and some other instructions about the employees,
  • Employee details which are to be checked and
  • The last thing includes the certification which needs to be signed by the site manager.
Bonafide Certificates are required to be produced at all the worksites of DECS. These DECS includes the following and they are school sites, pre-schools, corporate sites, district offices, support units, administrative units etc. At certain times, this Bonafied Certificate is required to be submitted by the individual when he/she is applying for the passport during his/her school or college days.
In case of a college student during his final year project, a bonafide certificate has to be produced along with his or her entire project report. This certificate should contain the project title, name and signature of the supervisor or the project guide. Academic designation, department and the complete address of the institution where the student has been guided by the supervisor.

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