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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Guidelines for Application of IEC Code Number.

    Guidelines for Application of IEC Code Number.

    Mandatory Requirements to apply for IEC Code Number

    1. Covering letter
    2. Fill Part A, B & D of the application form.
    3. Application must be accompanied by documents as per details given below:
      1 Bank Certificate from the bank on Bank letter head as per proforma (Part B) given in the application.
          a.  In case of Proprietorship firms, please furnish
                 i) Date of Birth of individual
                ii) Number of IECs held along with their details
         b.  In case of Companies, please furnish
                i) Extract of Board of Resolution.
               ii) MOA with Form 32 and ROC in case of change in Directors.
        c.  In case of others
              i) Notorised Partnership Deed showing date of formation.
              ii) No Objection Certificate from other partners/HUF.
      3.2 Self certified copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) issued by income Tax Authorities.

      3.3 Two copies of passport size photographs of the applicant. The photograph pasted on the banker’s certificate must be attested by the banker with Seal and Signature of the applicant.
    4. The application must be submitted in Duplicate.
    5. Each individual page of the application must be signed by the applicant.
    6. Self addressed envelope stamped with Rs. 25 (Local Address) & for others Rs.30/-. These documents may be kept secured in a file cover.

    Check List of Documents to apply for IEC Code

    1. Covering Letter on your company's letter head for issue of new IEC Code Number.
    2. Two copies of the application in prescribed format ( Aayaat Niryaat Form ANF 2A) must be submitted to your regional Jt.DGFT Office.
    3. Each individual page of the application has to be signed by the applicant.
    4. Part 1 & Part 4 has to be filled in by all applicants. In case of applications submitted electronically.
    5. No hard copies of Part 1 may be submitted. However in cases where applications are submitted otherwise, hard copy of Part 1has to be submitted.
    6. Only relevant portions of Part 2 need to be filled in.
    7. Rs 250.00 Bank Receipt (in duplicate)/Demand Draft/EFT details evidencing payment of application fee in terms ofAppendix 21B.
    8. Certificate from the Banker of the applicant firm in the format given in Appendix 18A.
    9. Self certified copy of PAN issuing letter or PAN (Permanent Account Number) Card issued by Income Tax Authority.
    10. Two copies of passport size photographs of the applicant duly attested by the Banker of the applicant.
    11. Self addresses envelope with Rs.25/- postal stamp for delivery of IEC certificate by registered post or challan/DD of Rs.100/- for speed post.

    How to submit IEC Code application

    Application can be submitted in person/by Authorised Employee of the Company at the R & I counters in the office Or It can be sent by post/courier.

    Processing of IEC Code Application

    The application can be submitted at the counter in person at the office or it can be sent through Post/Courier. An acknowledgement in form of a receipt having File Number is generated on receipt of application. The file number is used for any correspondence/query regarding the IEC application submitted to the office. The application is then sent to IEC section where it is processed. If the application is found complete in all aspects (as per requirements prescribed) an IEC is generated, or else a deficiency letter stating the nature of deficiency is prepared and sent to the applicant. Replies are awaited in cases where deficiency letter is issued and after due compliance by the applicant the IEC is allotted.

    Issue and Despatch of  IEC Code

    IEC allotment letter is sent through post at the registered office mentioned by the applicant in the application. Similarly deficiency letters are sent to applicant by post.

    About IEC Application Status

    File No for IEC application
    A new option to know the file number has been introduced for all exporter who are sending their application through Post/Courier. The applicant has to input PAN number to get the file number.

    Status of IEC Application
    The applicant can know the status of the IEC application using option “Status of IEC Application” on the website of CLA.
    IEC issued day wise
    IEC’s issued daily can be viewed on the website using option “IEC issued day wise”
    File No for IEC application
    Applicant’s who have sent their application through post/courier can know their file number using option “File No for IEC application”

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