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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to Get Birth Certificate

Birth certificate is the most important document which should be kept with you. Birth certificate is regarded as the proof of your birth and is also your real identity of citizen. Getting this certificate can be very beneficial because it can be used as your attached document while applying for Domicile certificate, Passport or for any other application. It is highly important when you apply for immigration visa. Usually, the birth certificate is issued in hospital where the child is born. Having a birth certificate can help the individual to enjoy all the facilities of the place.
In birth certificate, all the information regarding the date of birth, city where birth took place and other important details are being included. There are different procedures, by which you can get the birth certificate, whether in hospital or at any other place:
Applying for birth certificate,

Procedure to get birth certificate

  • As soon the child takes birth, you need to visit your nearest Birth Register Office within 21 days. There you need to provide all the details regarding the child sex, parents name, day and time of birth and also carry the hospital written form about the birth and also doctor’s signature.
  • It is important that the registration of the birth should be done within specified period or else parents have to go under police verification procedure.
  • The form for the registration of the birth will be providing to you depending on the place where the child took birth. If the child was born outside hospital like home or another place parents should visit to “Registration of Birth Office” and if in hospital, the form can be available in hospital itself.
  • Do request for the copy of birth certificate in the registration office. This can be very helpful in future during legal proceedings.
  • The inclusion of name of the child is an important procedure while applying birth certificate. When registering the birth if parents include the name in the form then the birth certificate will be issued in the same name as in the municipal records. If the name is not being included immediately after the birth then parents have apply for affidavit as a supporting documents along with residence proof.
Things to remember while getting birth certificate,

Advice while getting birth certificate

  • It is advised to have a copy of the certificate made from hospital or Municipal authority, as it can help you to prove that there is no error in the original.
  • Make sure that you check all the details properly before you submit it to the authority and also when you receive the same with from them. If any error takes place then make it clear to avoid any problem in future

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