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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to register copyright

How to register copyright?
The literary meaning of copyright refers to right to copy. An intellectual property law which is used to provide protection for the original works of any individual is termed as a copyright. This includes the following works such as literary works, dramatic and musical works and other artistic pieces like poetry, novels, songs, movies, computer software etc. though the things like facts, ideas, systems, and methods cannot be protected with this copyright, yet it can be used to protect the way in which the above things are expressed.
Though all of your works which is related to art, music and any other things as mentioned above, is provided with either a formal or non formal copyright protection with copyright registration with any of the copyright office, yet it is very essential to register copyright which adds on as a proof for the copyright ownership. This provides protection against any of the copyright infringement.
The following includes the creative works which are required to be registered for copyright. These works are recorded in the electronic format. Works include, fiction, poems, scripts, music, lyrics, photographs, drawings or paintings,, websites, etc. There are three important things that are required to be sent along with when you are going to register copyright. This include: 
  • A properly filled in application form,
  • A non – refundable fee for registration,
  • A non returnable deposit of the work which is going to be registered.
There are different forms available to register copyright for different types of works. Form TX is used for literary type of works and computer programs, form PA is used for arts, form SE for registering serials and periodicals, form G/DN for daily newspapers and newsletters and form SR is used in case of registration of sound recordings. Form VA is used for visual arts.

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