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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Ratio Analysis Formulas

Ratio Analysis

        Gross Profit Ratio: It indicates the efficiency of the production/trading operations.
          Formula: Gross Profit X 100
Net sales
        Net Profit Ratio: It indicates net margin on sales
          Formula: Net Profit X 100
Net Sales
        Return on Share Holders Funds: It indicates measures earning power of equity capital.
          Formula: Profits Available for Equity Shareholders X 100
Average Equity Shareholders Funds
        Earning per Equity Share (EPS): It shows the amount of earnings attributable to each equity share.
          Formula: Profits Available for Equity Shareholders
Number of Equity Shares
        Dividend Yield Ratio: It shows the rate of return to shareholders in the form of dividends based on the market price of the share.
          Formula: Dividend per Share X 100
Market Price per Share
        Price Earning (PE) Ratio: It a measure for determining the value of a share. May also be used to measure the rate of return expected by investors.
          Formula: Market Price of Share (MPS) X 100
Earning per Share (EPS)
        Current Ratio: It measures short-term debt paying ability
          Formula: Current Assets
Current Liabilities
        Debt-Equity Ratio: It indicates the percentage of funds being financed through borrowing; a measure of the extent of trading on equity.
          Formula: Total Long-Term Debt
Shareholders Funds
        Fixed Assets Ratio: This ratio explains whether the firm has raised adequate long-term funds to meet its fixed assets requirements.
          Formula: Fixed Assets
Long-Term Funds

        Quick Ratio: The ratio termed as “Liquidity Ratio “. The ratio is ascertained by comparing the liquid assets to current liabilities.
        1. Formula: Liquid Assets
Current Liabilities
        Stock Turnover Ratio: The ratio indicates whether investment in inventory in efficiently used or not. It, therefore explains whether investment in inventory within proper limits or not.
          Formula: Cost of Goods Sold
Average Stock
        Debtor’s Turnover Ratio: It indicates the speed with which the payments for credit purchases are made to the creditors.
          Formula: Credit Purchases
Average accounts payable
        Working Capital Turnover Ratio: It is also known as working capital leverage ratio. This ratio indicates whether or not working capital has been effectively utilized in making sales.
          Formula: Net Sales
Working Capital
        Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio: This ratio indicates the extent to which the investments in fixed assets contribute towards sales.
          Formula: Net Sales
Fixed Assets
        Pay-Out Ratio: This ratio what proportion of earning per share has been used for paying dividend.
          Formula: Dividend Per Equity Share X 100
Earning Per Equity Share
        Overall Profitability Ratio: It is also called as “return on investment” (ROI) or return on capital employed (ROCE). It indicates the % of return on the total capital employed in the business.
          Formula: Operating Profit X 100
Capital Employed
          The term capital employed has been given different meanings
    • Sum total of all assets whether fixed or current
    • Sum total of fixed assets,
    • Sum total of long-term funds employed in the business, i.e.
          1. {Share Capital + Reserves & Surplus + Long term Loans - (Non business Assets + Fictitious Assets)}.
          2. Operating Profit means “Profit Before Interest and Tax”.
        Fixed Interest Coverage Ratio: The ratio is very important form the lenders point of view. It indicates whether the business would earn sufficient profits to pay periodically the interest charges.
          Formula: Income Before Interest and Tax
Interest Charges
        Fixed Dividend Cover Ratio: This ratio is important for preference shareholders entitled to get dividend at a fixed rate in priority to other shareholders.
        1. Formula: Net Profit After Interest and Tax
Preference Dividend
        Debt Service Coverage Ratio: This ratio is explained ability of a company to make payment of principal amounts also in time.
          Formula: Net Profit Before Interest and Tax
Interest + Principal Payment Installment
Tax Rate
        Proprietary Ratio: It is a variant of debt-equity ratio. It establishes relationship between the proprietor’s funds and the total tangible assets.
          Formula: Shareholders Funds               Total Tangible assets

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