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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Indirect Tax Due Dates For the Month of January, 2015

Indirect Tax Calendar For The Month Of 

January, 2015

Due DatePeriod Event Form
Payment of Service Tax
6th JanuaryDecember, 2014Monthly payment by assessee other than Firm/ IndividualGAR-7
6th JanuaryOctober, 2014 -December, 2014Quarterly payment by Firm / IndividualGAR-7
Payment of Excise Duty
6th JanuaryDecember, 2014Monthly payment of duty by assessee other than Small Scale Industries (“SSI”)GAR-7
6th JanuaryOctober, 2014 -December, 2014Quarterly Payment of duty by SSIGAR-7
Return under the Central Excise Act, 1944
10thJanuaryDecember, 2014Monthly Return by Assessee other than SSI and Export Oriented Units (“EOU”)ER–1
10thJanuaryDecember, 2014Monthly Return by EOUER-2
10thJanuaryOctober, 2014 -December, 2014Quarterly Return by SSI UnitsER-3
10thJanuaryDecember, 2014Monthly Return by Assessee in respect of Principal Input by units paying duty more than Rs. 1 crores (Cenvat + PLA)ER-6
10thJanuaryOctober, 2014 -December, 2014Assessee paying 1%/2% of Excise duty and not manufacturing any other goodsER-8

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