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Sunday, January 20, 2013

AutoCAD 2012 Shortcuts

1. Manage Drawings
+nNew Drawing
+sSave drawing
+oOpen drawing
+pPlot dialog box
+Tab/++TabSwitch to next / switch to previous drawing
+Page Up/Page DownSwitch to next tab / switch to previous tab in current drawing
+aSelect all objects

▲ up

minus2. Toggle Drawing Modes
F3Toggles object snap mode
F7Toggle grid mode
F8Toggle ortho mode
F9Toggle snap mode
F10Toggle polar mode
F11Toggle object snap tracking
F12Toggle dynamic input mode
▲ up

minus3. Manage Screen
+0 (zero)Clean Screen
+1Property Palette
+2Design Center Palette
+3Tool Palette
+4Sheet Set Palette
+6DBConnect Manager
+7Markup Set Manager Palette
+8Quick Calc
+9Command Line
▲ up

minus4. Manage Workflow
+cCopy object
+xCut object
+vPaste object
++cCopy to clipboard with base point
++vPaste data as block
+zUndo last action
+yRedo last action
+[Cancel current command (or +\)
▲ up

minus5. Toggle General Features
+dToggle coordinate display
+gToggle Grid
+eCycle isometric planes
+fToggle running object snaps
+hToggle Pick Style
++hToggle Hide pallets
+iToggle Coords
++iToggle Infer Constraints
▲ up

minus6. Command Shortcuts
minus3D Command Shortcuts
3A3DARRAY / Creates a 3D matrix of objects in a rectangular or polar arrangement.
3D03DORBIT/ Rotates the view in 3D space, but constrained to horizontal and vertical orbit only.
3DW3DWALK/ Changes the 3D view in a drawing interactively to create the appearance of walking through the model.
3F3DFACE/ Creates a three-sided or four-sided surface in 3D space.
3M3DMOVE/ In a 3D view, displays the 3D Move gizmo to aid in moving 3D objects a specified distance in a specified direction.
3P3DPOLY/ Creates a 3D polyline.
3R3DROTATE/ In a 3D view, displays the 3D Rotate gizmo to aid in revolving 3D objects around a base point.
3S3DSCALE/ In a 3D view, displays the 3D Scale gizmo to aid in resizing 3D objects.
minusA Command Shortcuts
AARC / Creates an arc.
ADCADCENTER / Manages and inserts content such as blocks, xrefs, and hatch patterns.
AAAREA / Calculates the area and perimeter of objects or of defined areas.
ALALIGN / Aligns objects with other objects in 2D and 3D
APAPPLOAD / Load Application
ARARRAY / Creates multiple copies of objects in a pattern.
ARRACTRECORD / Starts the Action Recorder.
ARMACTUSERMESSAGE / Inserts a user message into an action macro.
ARUACTUSERINPUT / Pauses for user input in an action macro.
ARSACTSTOP / Stops the Action Recorder and provides the option of saving the recorded actions to an action macro file.
ATIATTIPEDIT / Changes the textual content of an attribute within a block.
ATTATTDEF / Redefines a block and updates associated attributes.
ATEATTEDIT / Changes attribute information in a block.
minusB Command Shortcuts
BBLOCK / Creates a block definition from selected objects.
BCBCLOSE / Closes the Block Editor.
BEBEDIT / Opens the block definition in the Block Editor.
BHHATCH / Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a hatch pattern, solid fill, or gradient fill.
BOBOUNDARY / Creates a region or a polyline from an enclosed area.
BRBREAK / Breaks the selected object between two points.
BSBSAVE / Saves the current block definition.
BVSBVSTATE / Creates, sets, or deletes a visibility state in a dynamic block.
minusC Command Shortcuts
CCIRCLE / Creates a circle.
CAMCAMERA / Sets a camera and target location to create and save a 3D perspective view of objects.
CBARCONSTRAINTBAR / A toolbar-like UI element that displays the available geometric constraints on an object.
CHPROPERTIES / Controls properties of existing objects.
CHACHAMFER / Bevels the edges of objects.
CHKCHECKSTANDARDS / Checks the current drawing for standards violations.
CLICOMMANDLINE / Displays the Command Line window.
COLCOLOR / Sets the color for new objects.
COCOPY / Copies objects a specified distance in a specified direction.
CTCTABLESTYLE / Sets the name of the current table style
CUBENAVVCUBE / Controls the visibility and display properties of the ViewCube tool.
CYLCYLINDER / Creates a 3D solid cylinder.
minusD Command Shortcuts
DDIMSTYLE / Creates and modifies dimension styles.
DANDIMANGULAR / Creates an angular dimension.
DARDIMARC / Creates an arc length dimension.
JOGDIMJOGGED / Creates jogged dimensions for circles and arcs.
DBADIMBASELINE / Creates a linear, angular, or ordinate dimension from the baseline of the previous or selected dimension.
DBCDBCONNECT / Provides an interface to external database tables.
DCEDIMCENTER / Creates the center mark or the centerlines of circles and arcs.
DCODIMCONTINUE / Creates a dimension that starts from an extension line of a previously created dimension.
DCONDIMCONSTRAINT / Applies dimensional constraints to selected objects or points on objects.
DDADIMDISASSOCIATE / Removes associativity from selected dimensions.
DDIDIMDIAMETER / Creates a diameter dimension for a circle or an arc.
DEDDIMEDIT / Edits dimension text and extension lines.
DIDIST / Measures the distance and angle between two points.
DIVDIVIDE / Creates evenly spaced point objects or blocks along the length or perimeter of an object.
DJLDIMJOGLINE / Adds or removes a jog line on a linear or aligned dimension.
DJODIMJOGGED / Creates jogged dimensions for circles and arcs.
DLDATALINK / The Data Link dialog box is displayed.
DLUDATALINKUPDATE / Updates data to or from an established external data link.
DODONUT / Creates a filled circle or a wide ring.
DORDIMORDINATE / Creates ordinate dimensions.
DOVDIMOVERRIDE / Controls overrides of system variables used in selected dimensions.
DRDRAWORDER / Changes the draw order of images and other objects.
DRADIMRADIUS / Creates a radius dimension for a circle or an arc.
DREDIMREASSOCIATE / Associates or re-associates selected dimensions to objects or points on objects.
DRMDRAWINGRECOVERY / Displays a list of drawing files that can be recovered after a program or system failure.
DSDSETTINGS / Sets grid and snap, polar and object snap tracking, object snap modes, Dynamic Input, and Quick Properties.
DTTEXT / Creates a single-line text object.
DVDVIEW / Defines parallel projection or perspective views by using a camera and target.
DXDATAEXTRACTION / Extracts drawing data and merges data from an external source to a data extraction table or external file
minusE-G Command Shortcuts
EERASE / Removes objects from a drawing.
EDDDEDIT / Edits single-line text, dimension text, attribute definitions, and feature control frames.
ELELLIPSE / Creates an ellipse or an elliptical arc.
EREXTERNALREFERENCES / Opens the External References palette.
EXEXTEND / Extends objects to meet the edges of other objects.
EXITQUIT / Exits the program.
EXPEXPORT / Saves the objects in a drawing to a different file format.
EXTEXTRUDE / Extends the dimensions of a 2D object or 3D face into 3D space.
FFILLET / Rounds and fillets the edges of objects.
FIFILTER / Creates a list of requirements that an object must meet to be included in a selection set.
FSHOTFLATSHOT / Creates a 2D representation of all 3D objects based on the current view.
GGROUP / Creates and manages saved sets of objects called groups.
GCONGEOCONSTRAINT / Applies or persists geometric relationships between objects or points on objects.
GDGRADIENT / Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a gradient fill.
GEOGEOGRAPHICLOCATION / Specifies the geographic location information for a drawing file.
minusH-L Command Shortcuts
HHATCH / Fills an enclosed area or selected objects with a hatch pattern, solid fill, or gradient fill.
HEHATCHEDIT / Modifies an existing hatch or fill.
HIHIDE / Regenerates a 3D wireframe model with hidden lines suppressed.
IINSERT / Inserts a block or drawing into the current drawing.
IADIMAGEADJUST / Controls the image display of the brightness, contrast, and fade values of images.
IATIMAGEATTACH / Inserts a reference to an image file.
ICLIMAGECLIP / Crops the display of a selected image to a specified boundary.
IMIMAGE / Displays the External References palette.
IMPIMPORT / Imports files of different formats into the current drawing.
ININTERSECT / Creates a 3D solid, surface, or 2D region from overlapping solids, surfaces, or regions.
INFINTERFERE / Creates a temporary 3D solid from the interferences between two sets of selected 3D solids.
IOINSERTOBJ / Inserts a linked or embedded object.
JJOIN / Joins similar objects to form a single, unbroken object.
LLINE / Creates straight line segments.
LALAYER / Manages layers and layer properties.
LASLAYERSTATE / Saves, restores, and manages named layer states.
LEQLEADER / Creates a leader and leader annotation.
LENLENGTHEN / Changes the length of objects and the included angle of arcs.
LESSMESHSMOOTHLESS / Decreases the level of smoothness for mesh objects by one level.
LILIST / Displays property data for selected objects.
LOLAYOUT / Creates and modifies drawing layout tabs.
LTLINETYPE / Loads, sets, and modifies linetypes.
LTSLTSCALE / Changes the scale factor of linetypes for all objects in a drawing.
LWLWEIGHT / Sets the current lineweight, lineweight display options, and lineweight units.
minusM-O Command Shortcuts
MMOVE / Moves objects a specified distance in a specified direction.
MAMATCHPROP / Applies the properties of a selected object to other objects.
MATMATERIALS / Shows or hides the Materials window.
MEMEASURE / Creates point objects or blocks at measured intervals along the length or perimeter of an object.
MEAMEASUREREGION / Measures the distance, radius, angle, area, and volume of selected objects or sequence of points.
MIMIRROR / Creates a mirrored copy of selected objects.
MLMLNE / Creates multiple parallel lines.
MLAMLEADERALIGN / Aligns and spaces selected multileader objects.
MLCMLEADERCOLLECT / Organizes selected multileaders that contain blocks into rows or columns, and displays the result with a single leader.
MLDMLEADER / Creates a multileader object.
MLEMLEADEREDIT / Adds leader lines to, or removes leader lines from, a multileader object.
MLSMLEADERSTYLE / Creates and modifies multileader styles.
MOPROPERTIES / Controls properties of existing objects.
MOREMESHSMOOTHMORE / Increases the level of smoothness for mesh objects by one level.
MSMSPACE / Switches from paper space to a model space viewport.
MSMMARKUP / Opens the Markup Set Manager.
MTMTEXT / Creates a multiline text object.
MVMVIEW / Creates and controls layout viewports.
NORTHGEOGRAPHICLOCATION / Specifies the geographic location information for a drawing file.
NSHOTNEWSHOT / Creates a named view with motion that is played back when viewed with ShowMotion.
NVIEWNEWVIEW / Creates a named view with no motion.
OOFFSET / Creates concentric circles, parallel lines, and parallel curves.
OPOPTIONS / Customizes the program settings.
ORBIT3DORBIT / Rotates the view in 3D space, but constrained to horizontal and vertical orbit only.
OSOSNAP / Sets running object snap modes.
minusP Command Shortcuts
PPAN / Adds a parameter with grips to a dynamic block definition.
PAPASTESPEC / Pastes objects from the Clipboard into the current drawing and controls the format of the data.
PARPARAMETERS / Controls the associative parameters used in the drawing.
PARAMBPARAMETER / Adds a parameter with grips to a dynamic block definition.
PEPEDIT / Edits polylines and 3D polygon meshes.
PLPLINE / Creates a 2D polyline.
POPOINT / Creates a point object.
POFFHIDEPALETTES / Hides currently displayed palettes (including the command line).
POLPOLYGON / Creates an equilateral closed polyline.
PONSHOWPALETTES / Restores the display of hidden palettes.
PREPREVIEW / Displays the drawing as it will be plotted.
PRINTPLOT / Plots a drawing to a plotter, printer, or file.
PSPSPACE / Switches from a model space viewport to paper space.
PSOLIDPOLYSOLID / Creates a 3D wall-like polysolid.
PTWPUBLISHTOWEB / Creates HTML pages that include images of selected drawings.
PUPURGE / Removes unused items, such as block definitions and layers, from the drawing.
PYRPYRAMID / Creates a 3D solid pyramid.
minusQ-R Command Shortcuts
QCQUICKCALC / Opens the QuickCalc calculator.
QCUIQUICKCUI / Displays the Customize User Interface Editor in a collapsed state.
QPQUICKPROPERTIES / Displays open drawings and layouts in a drawing in preview images.
QVDCQVDRAWINGCLOSE / Closes preview images of open drawings and layouts in a drawing.
QVLQVLAYOUT / Displays preview images of model space and layouts in a drawing.
RREDRAW / Refreshes the display in the current viewport.
RAREDRAWALL / Refreshes the display in all viewports.
RCRENDERCROP / Renders a specified rectangular area, called a crop window, within a viewport.
REREGEN / Regenerates the entire drawing from the current viewport.
REAREGENALL / Regenerates the drawing and refreshes all viewports.
RECRECTANG / Creates a rectangular polyline.
REGREGION / Converts an object that encloses an area into a region object.
RENRENAME / Changes the names assigned to items such as layers and dimension styles.
REVREVOLVE / Creates a 3D solid or surface by sweeping a 2D object around an axis.
ROROTATE / Rotates objects around a base point.
RPRENDERPRESETS / Specifies render presets, reusable rendering parameters, for rendering an image.
RPRRPREF / Displays or hides the Advanced Render Settings palette for access to advanced rendering settings.
RRRENDER / Creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded image of a 3D solid or surface model.
RWRENDERWIN / Displays the Render window without starting a rendering operation.
minusS Command Shortcuts
SSTRETCH / Stretches objects crossed by a selection window or polygon.
SCSCALE / Enlarges or reduces selected objects, keeping the proportions of the object the same after scaling.
SCRSCRIPT / Executes a sequence of commands from a script file.
SECSECTION / Uses the intersection of a plane and solids, surfaces, or mesh to create a region.
SETSETVAR / Lists or changes the values of system variables.
SHASHADEMODE / Starts the VSCURRENT command.
SLSLICE / Creates new 3D solids and surfaces by slicing, or dividing, existing objects.
SNSNAP / Restricts cursor movement to specified intervals.
SOSOLID / Creates solid-filled triangles and quadrilaterals.
SPSPELL / Checks spelling in a drawing.
SPLSPLINE / Creates a smooth curve that passes through or near specified points.
SPLANESECTIONPLANE / Creates a section object that acts as a cutting plane through 3D objects.
SPLITMESHSPLIT / Splits a mesh face into two faces.
SPESPLINEDIT / Edits a spline or spline-fit polyline.
SSMSHEETSET / Opens the Sheet Set Manager.
STSTYLE / Creates, modifies, or specifies text styles.
STASTANDARDS / Manages the association of standards files with drawings.
SUSUBTRACT / Combines selected 3D solids, surfaces, or 2D regions by subtraction.
minusT Command Shortcuts
TMTEXT / Creates a multiline text object.
TATABLET / Calibrates, configures, and turns on and off an attached digitizing tablet.
TBTABLE / Creates an empty table object.
TEDITTEXTEDIT / Edits a dimensional constraint, dimension, or text object.
TOTOOLBAR / Displays, hides, and customizes toolbars.
TORTORUS / Creates a donut-shaped 3D solid.
TPTOOLPALETTES / Opens the Tool Palettes window.
TRTRIM / Trims objects to meet the edges of other objects.
TSTABLESTYLE / Creates, modifies, or specifies table styles.
minusU-Z Command Shortcuts
UCUCSMAN / Manages defined user coordinate systems.
UNUNITS / Controls coordinate and angle display formats and precision.
VVIEW / Saves and restores named views, camera views, layout views, and preset views.
VGOVIEWGO / Restores a named view.
VPDDVPOINT / Sets the 3D viewing direction.
VPLAYVIEWPLAY / Plays the animation associated to a named view.
VSVSCURRENT / Sets the visual style in the current viewport.
VSMVISUALSTYLES / Creates and modifies visual styles and applies a visual style to a viewport.
WWBLOCK / Writes objects or a block to a new drawing file.
WEWEDGE / Creates a 3D solid wedge.
WHEELNAVSWHEEL / Displays a wheel that contains a collection of view navigation tools.
XEXPLODE / Breaks a compound object into its component objects.
XAXATTACH / Inserts a DWG file as an external reference (xref).
XBXBIND / Binds one or more definitions of named objects in an xref to the current drawing.
XCXCLIP / Crops the display of a selected external reference or block reference to a specified boundary.
XLXLINE / Creates a line of infinite length.
ZZOOM / Increases or decreases the magnification of the view in the current viewport.

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